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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : Covid:印度推出网上纪念馆,以纪念大流行的受害者。印度曾报道,超过154,000个Covid,1 - Covid: India launches online memorial to commemora... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 02, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : Covid:印度推出网上纪念馆,以纪念大流行的受害者。印度曾报道,超过154,000个Covid,1 - Covid: India launches online memorial to commemora...

中文 (Chinese) English
Covid:印度推出网上纪念馆,以纪念大流行的受害者。印度曾报道,超过154,000个Covid,19人死亡,但感染已大幅下降。Covid: India launches online memorial to commemorate pandemic victims. India has reported more than 154,000 Covid-19 deaths, but infections have dropped sharply.
军事政变有可能损害缅甸经济。商家说,军队的收购已经投入数十亿美元的风险外商投资的价值。Military coup likely to damage Myanmar's economy. Businesses say the army's takeover has already put billions worth of foreign investment at risk.
珀斯:森林大火威胁到锁定的澳大利亚城市。一个大的火焰向着珀斯赛车作为国有资本保持在一个单元冠状病毒锁定。Perth: Bushfire threatens locked-down Australian city. A large blaze is racing towards Perth as the state capital remains in a snap coronavirus lockdown.
农民抗议:Twitter的恢复受阻印度帐户。账目都连接到一个持续的农民对农业改革的法律抗议。Farmers protest: Twitter restores blocked Indian accounts. The accounts were all linked to a continuing farmers' protest against agricultural reform laws.
亚历山大奥卡西奥 - 科特斯:"我性侵犯的幸存者"。民主党议员还击眼泪,因为她的现场视频中显露她的创伤。Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'I'm a survivor of sexual assault'. The Democratic lawmaker fights back tears as she reveals her trauma during a live video.
周泽荣:中国 - 澳大利亚商人赢得媒体诽谤案。对中国影响美国广播公司的电视节目不公平地损害周泽荣的"好名字",法院规则。Chau Chak Wing: Chinese-Australian businessman wins media defamation case. An ABC TV programme about Chinese influence unfairly harmed Chau Chak Wing's "good name", a court rules.
缅甸妙招:美国威胁制裁过昂山素季拘留。昂山素季和其他当选的领导人被拘留周一军队夺取了政权。Myanmar coup: US threatens sanctions over Aung San Suu Kyi detention. Aung San Suu Kyi and other elected leaders were detained on Monday as the army seized power.
我得到了我的佛罗里达州的学区转换为电动公交车。霍莉索普的科学公正的项目测量二氧化碳浓度各地校车,并导致变化。I got my Florida school district to convert to electric buses'. Holly Thorpe's science fair project measured CO2 levels around school buses and led to the change.
是俄罗斯针对美国中央情报局间谍用的秘密武器?前中情局官员马克和Polymeropoulos相信他是有针对性的,而在访问莫斯科。Is Russia targeting CIA spies with secret weapons?. Ex-CIA officer Marc Polymeropoulos believes he was targeted while on a visit to Moscow.
坚韧的小瓶子打击Covid至关重要。由坚韧无比的玻璃小瓶正在由百万为举行Covid疫苗。The tough little bottles crucial to fighting Covid. Vials made of extremely tough glass are being made by the million to hold Covid vaccines.

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