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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 澳大利亚原住民:维多利亚举行调查定植的影响。在全国第一,维多利亚将研究针对自英国殖民地土著人的不公正 - Aboriginal Australians: Victoria to hold inquiry i... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 09, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 澳大利亚原住民:维多利亚举行调查定植的影响。在全国第一,维多利亚将研究针对自英国殖民地土著人的不公正 - Aboriginal Australians: Victoria to hold inquiry i...

中文 (Chinese) English
澳大利亚原住民:维多利亚举行调查定植的影响。在全国第一,维多利亚将研究针对自英国殖民地土著人的不公正。Aboriginal Australians: Victoria to hold inquiry into impact of colonisation. In a national first, Victoria will examine injustices against Aboriginal people since British settlement.
泰国推出游艇检疫游客。它已经可以让游客度过他们隔离在一个高尔夫球场,努力推动旅游业。Thailand launches yacht quarantine for tourists. It already allows visitors to spend their quarantine on a golf course in an effort to boost tourism.
妇女节:抗议者发生冲突与警察在墨西哥。官员被迫回到在墨西哥城的主广场催泪瓦斯和防暴盾牌的抗议者。Women's Day: Protesters clash with police in Mexico. Officers forced back protesters with tear gas and riot shields in Mexico City's main square.
变焦创始人埃里克元转让$他的股份60亿。他的个人财富飙升的视频会议平台的大流行期间成为一个家喻户晓的名字。Zoom founder Eric Yuan transfers $6bn of his shares. His personal wealth soared as the video conferencing platform became a household name during the pandemic.
Sidhique Kappan:被囚和"折磨"的努力报告强奸。印度记者Sidhique Kappan而试图掩盖强奸的故事,他的网站被警方抓获。Sidhique Kappan: Jailed and 'tortured' for trying to report a rape. Indian journalist Sidhique Kappan was arrested while trying to cover a story of rape for his website.
瑞典领导方式使用高科技来促进农村零售。在瑞典,有没有工作人员的商店中已经失去了当地的商店农村地区流行。Sweden leads way in using tech to boost rural retailing. In Sweden shops with no staff are popular in rural locations that have lost their local shops.
尼日利亚绑架事件:该Chibok俘虏谁违抗博科圣地。娜奥米·阿达姆被绑架的伊斯兰激进分子从Chibok,尼日利亚,2014年和圈养花了三年时间。Nigeria kidnappings: The Chibok captive who defied Boko Haram. Naomi Adamu was abducted by Islamist militants from Chibok, Nigeria, in 2014 and spent three years in captivity.
缅甸妙招:在阴暗的商业帝国资金武装部队。倡导团体呼吁对军队的秘密的商业利益的制裁。Myanmar coup: The shadowy business empire funding the Tatmadaw. Advocacy groups are calling for sanctions against the military's secretive business interests.
阿富汗:美国会的"的大胆"和平计划的工作?美国官员有一个新的草案达成和平协议,但阿富汗人担心它可能使暴力恶化。Afghanistan: Will America's 'moonshot' peace plan work?. American officials have a new draft peace deal, but Afghans worry it could make the violence worse.
拜火教尝试牵线搭桥,以保持宗教活着。拜火教转向婚介和生育治疗力图保持其3000年的旧宗教活着。Zoroastrians try matchmaking to keep religion alive. Zoroastrians are turning to matchmaking and fertility treatment in a bid to keep their 3000-year-old religion alive.

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