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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 德国1-2马其顿北部:四次世界冠军遭遇惨败。北马其顿眩晕德国作为艾利芙埃尔马斯末的目标固定在世界杯的 - Germany 1-2 North Macedonia: Four-time world champ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

April 01, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 德国1-2马其顿北部:四次世界冠军遭遇惨败。北马其顿眩晕德国作为艾利芙埃尔马斯末的目标固定在世界杯的 - Germany 1-2 North Macedonia: Four-time world champ...

中文 (Chinese) English
德国1-2马其顿北部:四次世界冠军遭遇惨败。北马其顿眩晕德国作为艾利芙埃尔马斯末的目标固定在世界杯的冲击胜利出线。Germany 1-2 North Macedonia: Four-time world champions suffer shock defeat. North Macedonia stun Germany as Elif Elmas' late goal secures a shock win in World Cup qualifying.
香港:黎智英和李柱铭活动家中发现了抗议有罪。传媒大亨黎智英和资深政治家李柱铭是那些在监狱中面临的时间中。Hong Kong: Jimmy Lai and Martin Lee among activists found guilty over protests. Media tycoon Jimmy Lai and veteran politician Martin Lee are among those facing time in prison.
巴西:超过60000人在三月份去世Covid-19。尽管上升的情况下,Bolsonaro总统敦促地方督抚,以缓解锁定措施。Brazil: More than 60,000 people died of Covid-19 in March. Despite the rising cases, President Bolsonaro urges local governors to ease lockdown measures.
在办公楼在加利福尼亚Orange拍摄4名死者中的儿童"。警方说,嫌疑人开枪击伤,局势现在已经"稳定"。Child among four dead' in shooting at office building in Orange, California. Police say the suspect was shot and wounded and the situation has now been "stabilised".
谷歌rejigs远程工作,因为它重新打开办公室。科技巨头只会让在家的员工工作14天以上,一年,如果他们申请。Google rejigs remote working as it reopens offices. The tech giant will only let staff work from home for more than 14 days a year if they apply for it.
Covid疫苗生产商应与较贫穷的国家合作,世贸组织负责人说。 WTO头博士恩戈齐·伊卫拉表示,阿斯利康对付印度是一个很好的例子。Covid vaccine manufacturers should work with poorer countries, says WTO chief. WTO head Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala says the AstraZeneca deal with India is a good example.
跑道在日本$ 540一顿饭证明命中用餐。日本最大的航空公司充分利用飞机停飞,而澳大利亚的载体降价。Runway dining at $540 a meal proving hit in Japan. Japan's biggest airline is making the most of grounded planes while Australian carriers are cutting prices.
Facebook的禁令从平台"特朗普的声音"。与前总统的采访被张贴他的女儿女婿,拉拉特朗普,在Facebook上。Facebook bans 'voice of Trump' from platform. An interview with the ex-president was posted by his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, on Facebook.
Covid:布里斯班锁定提前结束复活节周末的。 200万个居民的澳大利亚城市已经出现了感染率低,但问题仍然存在。Covid: Brisbane lockdown ends ahead of Easter weekend. The Australian city of two million residents has seen a low infection rate, but concerns remain.
乔治·弗洛伊德:什么证人肖夫试说。在明尼阿波利斯目击者给出关于处于弗洛伊德先生被捕的场面情感见证。George Floyd: What witnesses have said in the Chauvin trial. Witnesses in Minneapolis have given emotional testimony about being at the scene of Mr Floyd's arrest.

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