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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 尽管Covid:联合国难民局,纪录的人数。大约8200万人被强行流离失所,占世界人口的1%以上。 - Record number of displaced people despite Covid: U... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

June 18, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 尽管Covid:联合国难民局,纪录的人数。大约8200万人被强行流离失所,占世界人口的1%以上。 - Record number of displaced people despite Covid: U...

中文 (Chinese) English
尽管Covid:联合国难民局,纪录的人数。大约8200万人被强行流离失所,占世界人口的1%以上。Record number of displaced people despite Covid: UN refugee agency. Some 82 million people have been forcibly displaced, more than 1% of the world's population.
Tiktok Owner Bytedance在2020年看到其收益加倍。中国最大的技术公司在国内外审查越来越多。TikTok owner ByteDance sees its earnings double in 2020. China's biggest technology companies have been coming under increasing scrutiny both at home and abroad.
Kim Jong-联合国对美国的"对话和对抗"做好准备。朝鲜曾早到拜登政府建立外交会谈的努力。Kim Jong-un prepares for 'dialogue and confrontation' with the US. North Korea had earlier snubbed efforts by the Biden's administration to establish diplomatic talks.
中国的巨型犀牛化石展示了新物种'高于长颈鹿'。 Paraceratherium Linxiaense高于长颈鹿,称为四个大型非洲大象。Giant rhino fossils in China show new species was 'taller than giraffe'. The Paraceratherium linxiaense was taller than a giraffe and weighed as much as four large African elephants.
美国最高法院对巧克力公司的儿童奴隶制诉讼。在他们的诉讼中,一群男子说他们被迫在象牙海岸的可可努力工作。US Supreme Court blocks child slavery lawsuit against chocolate firms. In their lawsuit, a group of men say they were forced to work on cocoa firms in Ivory Coast.
伊朗人在总统选举中投票被取消资格排的损害。除了成功的四名候选人之一之一之外,哈桑·鲁汉尼被视为谢尔。Iranians vote in presidential election marred by disqualification row. All but one of the four candidates to succeed Hassan Rouhani are regarded as hardliners.
美国夫妇在Blm抗议者尖锐的枪击罪名。 "我再次这样做,"沃尔斯·麦克罗斯基外面的法院,因为他和他的妻子自由地走得很好。US couple who pointed guns at BLM protesters plead guilty. "I'd do it again," vows Mark McCloskey outside court as he and his wife walk free with a fine.
一旦未来,我们现在俘虏了它的过去。历史对美国人和游客来说是不可避免的,但现在它比以往任何时候都变得更加竞争。Once the future, US now captive to its past. History is inescapable to Americans and visitors alike but now it's become more contested than ever.
亚洲的Covid'获奖者进入摇摇欲坠的新领域吗?最适合在海湾保持Covid的国家现在正在与退出策略挣扎。Are Asia's Covid 'winners' entering shaky new territory?. The countries that were best at keeping Covid at bay are now struggling with their exit strategies.
非洲的一周照片:2021年6月11日至17日。从整个大陆和其他地方选择一周的非洲人最好的照片。Africa's week in pictures: 11-17 June 2021. A selection of the week's best photos of Africans from across the continent and elsewhere.

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