中文 (Chinese) | English |
华尔街巨人摩根士丹利禁止未被接种的员工。上周,摩根士丹利的首席执行官告诉工人,如果你可以吃饭,你可以去办公室'。 | Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley to bar unvaccinated staff. Last week, Morgan Stanley's chief executive told workers 'if you can eat out, you can go to the office'. |
Covid:悉尼面临着集群增长的新限制。澳大利亚最大的城市今年认为这是一个感染三角洲菌株的集群的最严重的疫情。 | Covid: Sydney faces new restrictions as cluster grows. Australia's largest city sees its worst outbreak this year as a cluster infected with the Delta strain grows. |
香港在国家安全法下的第一次审判开始没有陪审团。在没有陪审团的有争议的审判中,童英套件可能被定罪到监狱中的生活中 | Hong Kong's first trial under national security law starts without jury. Tong Ying-kit could be convicted to life in prison in the controversial trial without jury |
美国政府阻止伊朗附属新闻网站。美国司法部称,缉获了36个网站与伊朗政府有关。 | US government blocks Iran-affiliated news websites. The US Department of Justice says 36 websites linked to the Iranian government were seized. |
令人心碎的"美国移民儿童营地的条件"。 BBC的调查在德克萨斯州儿童移民营地发现了令人震惊的条件。 | Heartbreaking' conditions in US migrant child camp. An investigation by the BBC has uncovered alarming conditions at a child migrant camp in Texas. |
"无情"昆士兰州巴斯美国夫妇从看到垂死的父亲。在昆士兰州被拒绝检疫豁免后,一对美国夫妇在拒绝检疫后做出了绝望的辩护。 | 'Heartless' Queensland bars US couple from seeing dying father. A US couple make a desperate plea after being denied quarantine exemption in Queensland. |
教育中断:克什米尔学生爬山越过数字鸿沟。在喜马拉雅山区的一个偏远村里的学生们努力访问互联网才能上课。 | Education interrupted: Kashmir students climb mountain to cross digital divide. Students in a remote village in the Himalayas struggle to access the internet in order to take classes. |
大象'500km-trek跨越中国挡箭牌。科学家对他们走了多远的惊讶,并说他们展示了其他不寻常的行为。 | Elephants' 500km-trek across China baffles scientists. Scientists are surprised by how far they've gone and say they're displaying other unusual behaviours. |
你运行的风险':哥伦比亚的女性抗议者对性暴力。参加哥伦比亚反政府抗议的妇女谈到他们所面临的骚扰。 | The risk you run': Colombia's women protesters on sexual violence. Women taking part in Colombia's anti-government protests speak out about the harassment they face. |
匈牙利的反同性恋法律威胁到电视最爱的编程。国际谴责向匈牙利法律禁止对18岁以下的同性恋的描述。 | Hungary's anti-gay law threatens programming of TV favourites. International condemnation grows towards a Hungarian law banning depiction of homosexuality to under-18s. |
June 23, 2021
中文 (Chinese) - English : 华尔街巨人摩根士丹利禁止未被接种的员工。上周,摩根士丹利的首席执行官告诉工人,如果你可以吃饭,你可以 - Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley to bar unvaccinat...
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