中文 (Chinese) | English |
乌干达的埃博拉病毒:为两个地区宣布了为期三周的锁定。在这次爆发期间,乌干达有19例死亡和58例病例。 | Ebola in Uganda: Three-week lockdown announced for two districts. There have been 19 deaths and 58 cases reported in Uganda during this outbreak. |
乌克兰如何赢得社交媒体战争。尽管平民和军事流血,乌克兰的在线信息战仍保持幽默感。 | How Ukraine is winning the social media war. Despite civilian and military bloodshed, Ukraine's online information war keeps a sense of humour. |
中国国会:XI Jinping在党的会议上捍卫零融资。预计北京的代表将把他作为党长的历史性三个任期。 | China congress: Xi Jinping defends zero-Covid as party meeting opens. Delegates in Beijing are expected to hand him a historic third term as party leader. |
亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones):一笔9.65亿美元的损害要求要求粉碎他的信息帝国吗?脱口秀主持人面临严重的财务和法律问题,但没有任何改变的迹象。 | Alex Jones: Will a $965m damages demand crush his Infowars empire?. The talk show host faces severe financial and legal problems, but shows no signs of changing. |
尼日利亚选举:在宗教民族中宗教的危险。宗教不宽容是尼日利亚的辩论,有四个月的选举。 | Nigeria election: Dangers of being religious in a religious nation. Religious intolerance is topping debates in Nigeria with four months to go to elections. |
阿片类药物危机:美国青少年生长最快的群体死亡。去年,芬太尼过量的青少年死亡增加了20% - 应该归咎于谁,该怎么办? | Opioid crisis: US teens fastest growing group to die. Teen deaths from fentanyl overdose rose 20% last year - who is to blame and what can be done? |
Maharajah Duleep Singh:印度男孩国王与维多利亚女王的热情友谊。在英国的一个展览记载了印度的最后一位锡克教王Maharajah Duleep Singh的生活。 | Maharajah Duleep Singh: Indian boy king's warm friendship with Queen Victoria. An exhibition in the UK chronicles the life of Maharajah Duleep Singh, the last Sikh king from India. |
乌克兰战争:俄罗斯令人筋疲力尽,以逃避征兵。这个年轻人称乌克兰入侵为"对我们自己的人民的战争"。 | Ukraine war: Russian's exhausting ordeal to escape conscription. This young man calls the Ukraine invasion a 'war against our own people'. |
cast割Pablo Escobar的河马。兽医卡洛斯·瓦尔德拉玛(Vet Carlos Valderrama)描述了在野外cast割Pablo Escobar的河马。 | Castrating Pablo Escobar's hippos. Vet Carlos Valderrama describes castrating Pablo Escobar's hippo in the wild. |
伊朗监狱燃烧时听到枪声和警报声。在某些视频中,人们可以在监狱外听到"对独裁者死亡"的声音。 | Gunshots and sirens heard as Iran prison burns. In some videos people could be heard outside the prison chanting "death to the dictator". |