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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 泰国计划以病毒案件飙升完全重新开放。正如该国在淹没医院的病毒案件中看到浪涌一样,它就是这样。 - Thailand's plans to fully re-open in doubt as viru... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

July 08, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 泰国计划以病毒案件飙升完全重新开放。正如该国在淹没医院的病毒案件中看到浪涌一样,它就是这样。 - Thailand's plans to fully re-open in doubt as viru...

中文 (Chinese) English
泰国计划以病毒案件飙升完全重新开放。正如该国在淹没医院的病毒案件中看到浪涌一样,它就是这样。Thailand's plans to fully re-open in doubt as virus cases spike. It comes as the country is seeing a surge in virus cases which have overwhelmed hospitals.
俄罗斯将朝鲜Covid疫苗提供,因为危机恶化。朝鲜拒绝了刺戳并密封了其边界以防止病毒,导致粮食短缺。Russia offers North Korea Covid vaccines again as crisis worsens. North Korea has refused jabs and sealed its borders to keep out the virus, leading to food shortages.
JovenelMośse:警方在海地总统暗杀后杀死四次。周三杀害总统JovenelMoïse杀人后,另外两名嫌疑人被捕。Jovenel Moïse: Police kill four after Haiti's president assassinated. Two other suspects are arrested following the killing of President Jovenel Moïse on Wednesday.
作为股票幻灯片的中国乘车公司Didi ini。北京镇压后,诉讼引发了超过20%的折扣。Chinese ride-hailing firm Didi sued in US as shares slide. The lawsuits come after a crackdown by Beijing triggered a slump in its share price of more than 20%.
Da Vinci Bear绘图预计将在拍卖中获取高达1200万英镑。熊的负责人超过500岁,可以为达Vinci素描设定一个新的纪录。Da Vinci bear drawing expected to fetch up to £12m at auction. Head of a Bear is more than 500 years old and could set a new record for a da Vinci sketch.
澳大利亚小鼠瘟疫:农民如何战斗。澳大利亚有一个关于如何应对该国东部的巨大瘟疫的辩论。Australia mice plague: How farmers are fighting back. There's a debate in Australia about how to deal with a huge plague of mice in the east of the country.
越来越大的海湾竞争,推动油价。沙特阿拉伯与阿联酋之间的公共裂缝造成了石油出口商之间的谈判被遗弃。The growing Gulf rivalry that's pushing up oil prices. A public rift between Saudi Arabia and the UAE caused talks between oil exporters to be abandoned.
卧底渗透中美右侧网络。澳大利亚研究人员正试图了解欺骗方式如何流过中国侨民。Going undercover to infiltrate Chinese-American far-right networks. An Australian researcher is trying to understand how disinformation flows through the Chinese diaspora.
尼罗河大坝:为什么埃塞俄比亚无法阻止它被填补。大量的水力发电设备不像浴缸,可以随意打开和关闭。River Nile dam: Why Ethiopia can't stop it being filled. The massive hydroelectric plant is not like a bath with a tap that can be turned on and off at will.
南海:斯卡伯勒浅滩的战斗。 BBC的霍华德约翰逊获得了南海争议珊瑚礁的罕见。South China Sea: The battle for Scarborough Shoal. The BBC's Howard Johnson gained rare access to the disputed coral reef in the South China Sea.

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