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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 阿富汗:公园成为喀布尔妇女的最新禁区。随着塔利班施加的新限制,阿富汗妇女担心接下来会发生什么。 - Afghanistan: Parks become latest no-go areas for w... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

November 30, 2022

中文 (Chinese) - English : 阿富汗:公园成为喀布尔妇女的最新禁区。随着塔利班施加的新限制,阿富汗妇女担心接下来会发生什么。 - Afghanistan: Parks become latest no-go areas for w...

中文 (Chinese) English
阿富汗:公园成为喀布尔妇女的最新禁区。随着塔利班施加的新限制,阿富汗妇女担心接下来会发生什么。Afghanistan: Parks become latest no-go areas for women in Kabul. With new restrictions imposed by the Taliban, Afghan women fear what could come next.
坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)在离婚后每月向金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)支付每月20万美元的子女抚养费。说唱歌手将每月支付20万美元,而父母双方都将拘留孩子。Kanye West to pay Kim Kardashian $200,000 per month in child support as divorce settled. The rapper will pay $200,000 a month, while both parents will have custody of the children.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie:作者警告说"自我审查的流行"。 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie说,这可能导致"学习的死亡和创造力的死亡"。Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Author warns about 'epidemic of self-censorship'. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie says it could lead to "the death of learning and the death of creativity".
为什么荷兰"自行车银行"是孩子们的游戏规则改变者。在荷兰,生活危机的成本促使人们对翻新的二手自行车的需求提高了需求。Why Dutch 'bike banks' are a game changer for kids. In the Netherlands, the cost of living crisis has pushed up demand for refurbished second-hand bikes.
乌克兰战争:德国对难民新涌入的警惕。随着冬季的到来,有警告说,有些社区无法应对更多的到来。Ukraine war: Germany wary of new influx of refugees. As winter sets in, there are warnings that some communities cannot cope with more arrivals.
斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison):前澳大利亚总理对秘密部门进行了谴责。斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)因在任职期间赋予自己额外的权力而被国会议员正式谴责。Scott Morrison: Former Australian PM censured over secret ministries. Scott Morrison has been formally condemned by MPs for giving himself extra powers while in office.
戴维·儿子(Davido)儿子的溺水:悲剧能否改善尼日利亚的游泳者安全?尼日利亚人考虑如何防止Afrobeats明星的儿子在游泳池中死亡后如何防止溺水事故。Davido son's drowning: Could tragedy improve Nigeria safety for swimmers?. Nigerians consider how to prevent drowning accidents after the son of the Afrobeats star died in a pool.
莫尔比桥崩溃:受害者在悲剧发生后等待一个月的答案。上个月在莫比(Morbi)丧生的人的家庭提出了为什么对罪魁祸首没有采取行动。Morbi bridge collapse: Victims wait for answers month after tragedy. Families of those killed in Morbi last month question why there has been no action against the culprits.
罗斯·阿特金斯(Ros Atkins)在...中国对竞争抗议的镇压。英国广播公司(BBC)的罗斯·阿特金斯(Ros Atkins)着眼于当局如何阻止抗议共同措施。Ros Atkins on... China's crackdown on Covid protests. The BBC's Ros Atkins looks at how authorities have clamped down on protests against Covid measures.
骆驼在卡塔尔选美比赛中与之抗争。来自海湾对面的哺乳动物在一个截然不同的"世界杯"上撑起了他们的东西。Camels battle it out in Qatar beauty contest. The hoofed mammals from across the Gulf strut their stuff at a very different "World Cup".

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