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在弹道导弹测试后,朝鲜受到制裁。在上个月的导弹测试之后,美国财政部冻结了三名朝鲜官员的资产。 | North Korea hit with sanctions after ballistic missile tests. The US Treasury freezes the assets of three North Korean officials following last month's missile tests. |
Kanye West不再购买Parler社交媒体平台。这位说唱歌手反复发表了反犹太言论,疏远了商业伙伴和粉丝。 | Kanye West no longer to buy Parler social media platform. The rapper has repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks, alienating business partners and fans. |
对特朗普打击的Mar-A-Lago论文的审查。该裁决是美国司法部的胜利,该司法部正在探究特朗普先生的机密文件。 | Review of Mar-a-Lago papers halted in blow to Trump. The ruling is a win for the US justice department, which is probing Mr Trump over classified documents. |
珍妮·迪尔曼(Jeanne Dielman):由女人执导的电影是有史以来最好的。 Chantal Akerman的电影珍妮·迪尔曼(Jeanne Dielman)于1975年发行,被认为是一部开创性的女权主义作品。 | Jeanne Dielman: Film directed by woman picked as best ever. Chantal Akerman's film Jeanne Dielman, released in 1975, is considered a seminal feminist work. |
克里斯·道森(Chris Dawson):以谋杀案为谋杀案中播出播出的案件中的丈夫被判入狱。克里斯·道森(Chris Dawson)因杀死妻子林内特·道森(Lynette Dawson)而被判刑,后者于1982年在悉尼失踪。 | Chris Dawson: Husband in podcast-famous case jailed for murder. Chris Dawson is sentenced for killing his wife Lynette Dawson, who disappeared in Sydney in 1982. |
乌克兰战争:随着天然气价格飙升,德国要支付能源费用。德国将花费300亿欧元,以保护其人民免受能源费用。它会起作用吗? | Ukraine war: Germany to cover energy bills as gas prices soar. Germany is spending €300bns to shield its people from soaring energy bills. Will it work? |
埃及母亲被误导到剖腹产 - 竞选者。埃及的剖腹产率很高,医生被指控用于现金和便利。 | Egypt mothers misled into Caesarean sections - campaigner. Egypt has a high Caesarean section rate, with doctors accused of using it for cash and convenience. |
中国抗议活动:年轻人为示威提供动力。受过教育的年轻中国人被Zero Covid驱赶到Breaking Point,正在质疑共产党的统治。 | China protests: The young people powering the demonstrations. Driven to breaking point by zero Covid, educated young Chinese are questioning the Communist Party's rule. |
非洲的图片一周:2022年11月25日至12月1日。各地以及本周以后的最佳照片。 | Africa's week in pictures: 25 November - 1 December 2022. A selection of the best photos from across Africa and beyond this week. |
印度在非洲医疗保健方面取得了长足的进步。非洲印度医疗保健公司的迅速扩张并非没有问题。 | India makes big strides in African healthcare. The rapid expansion of Indian healthcare firms in Africa has not been without problems. |