中文 (Chinese) | English |
英国,意大利和日本共同争夺新战斗机。这些国家进入合资企业,设计和制造下一代战斗机。 | UK, Italy and Japan team up for new fighter jet. The countries enter a joint venture to design and build the next generation of fighter aircraft. |
开火的Twitter清洁人员"像垃圾一样对待"。其中一位告诉英国广播公司(BBC),埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)团队的成员表示,他们的工作将由机器人取代。 | Fired Twitter cleaning staff 'treated like garbage'. One of them told the BBC a member of Elon Musk's team said their jobs would be replaced by robots. |
法国加强频道移民巡逻。它正在部署另外两艘船只来应对越来越多的移民试图到达英国。 | France ramps up Channel migrant patrolling. It is deploying two more vessels to deal with the growing number of migrants trying to reach the UK. |
葡萄牙安乐死:预计新立法将批准辅助自杀。该立法将在某些有限的情况下允许医学协助自杀。 | Portugal euthanasia: New legislation expected to approve assisted suicide. The legislation will allow medically assisted suicide in certain limited circumstances. |
解放电影:威尔·史密斯(Will Smith)的新电影《彼得》(Peter)的真实故事。解放讲述了"鞭打彼得"和他在美国内战期间逃脱的真实故事。 | Emancipation movie: The true story of 'Whipped Peter' in Will Smith's new film. Emancipation tells the true story of "Whipped Peter" and his escape during the US Civil War. |
印度妇女自称为"自豪地单身"。在印度,一个痴迷于婚姻的国家,数以百万计的妇女选择保持单身。 | The Indian women calling themselves 'proudly single'. In India, a country obsessed with marriages, millions of women are choosing to remain single. |
非洲的图片一周:2022年12月2日至8日。各个非洲和本周以后的最佳照片。 | Africa's week in pictures: 2 - 8 December 2022. A selection of the best photos from across Africa and beyond this week. |
兄弟俩经营中国长城。吉米(Jimmy)和汤米·林德赛(Tommy Lindesay)每天涵盖马拉松比赛,持续六个月。 | The brothers running the Great Wall of China. Jimmy and Tommy Lindesay are covering the equivalent of a marathon every day for six months. |
稀有的波云使怀俄明州的天空观察者惊奇。这些图片是BBC Weather的专家有史以来最史诗般的云层之一。 | Rare wave clouds amaze sky-watchers in Wyoming. The pictures are one of the most epic examples of such clouds ever seen by BBC Weather's expert. |
佩德罗·卡斯蒂略(Pedro Castillo):墨西哥认为秘鲁弹each总统的庇护。佩德罗·卡斯蒂略(Pedro Castillo)在周三试图解散秘鲁国会后,面临叛乱指控。 | Pedro Castillo: Mexico considers asylum for Peru's impeached president. Pedro Castillo faces rebellion charges after he tried to dissolve the Peruvian Congress on Wednesday. |
December 09, 2022
中文 (Chinese) - English : 英国,意大利和日本共同争夺新战斗机。这些国家进入合资企业,设计和制造下一代战斗机。 - UK, Italy and Japan team up for new fighter jet. T...
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