中文 (Chinese) | English |
AP删除了有关" The"法国人的广泛嘲笑的推文。该新闻社警告说,引用"法国人"的记者可能会变得不人道。 | AP deletes widely mocked tweet about 'the' French. The news agency had warned that journalists referencing "the French" could be dehumanising. |
轮胎尼科尔斯在录像带中未能抵抗警察。录像显示,这位29岁的年轻人在暴力逮捕期间为母亲哭泣,导致他的死亡。 | Tyre Nichols not seen to resist police in video footage. The 29-year-old cried out for his mother during the violent arrest that led to his death, footage shows. |
在照片中:200年历史的印度遗产大楼的改头换面。该建筑物以前是海得拉巴市的英国居住地,现在是一所女大学。 | In photos: A makeover for 200-year-old India heritage building. The building, formerly the British Residency in Hyderabad city, is now a women's university. |
克服了无政府状态和流放的索马里放克精神。经过多年的冲突和伊斯兰威胁,索马里的音乐界再次蓬勃发展。 | The Somali funk spirit that has overcome anarchy and exile. Somalia's music scene is booming once again after years of conflict and Islamist threats. |
轮胎尼科尔斯:孟菲斯认为黑人军官杀害了警察。参与轮胎尼科尔斯死亡的所有五名军官都是黑人。专家说,这并不罕见。 | Tyre Nichols: Memphis reckons with police killing by black officers. All five officers involved in Tyre Nichols' death were black. Experts say that's not unusual. |
乌克兰战争:联合国指责俄罗斯违反了难民的儿童保护规则。莫斯科被指控向难民提供俄罗斯护照,并允许采用它们。 | Ukraine war: UN accuses Russia of breaking child protection rules over refugees. Moscow is accused of giving refugees Russian passports and allowing them to be adopted. |
科罗拉多熊在野生动植物摄像机上大约有400个"自拍照"。一台运动检测摄像机捕获了大约400张惊喜自拍照星的图像。 | Colorado bear poses for roughly 400 'selfies' on wildlife camera. One motion-detecting camera captured roughly 400 images of the surprise selfie star. |
BodyCam镜头显示了Paul Pelosi攻击的时刻。美国法院授权发行2020年10月对南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)丈夫的袭击。 | Bodycam footage shows moment of Paul Pelosi attack. A US court authorised the release of video from the October 2020 assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband. |
我们使男同性恋者更容易献血。 FDA将很快删除为与男性发生性关系的男性捐款的三个月禁欲政策。 | US to make it easier for gay men to donate blood. The FDA will soon remove a three month abstinence policy for donations for men who have sex with men. |
耶路撒冷犹太教堂袭击:枪击中七人丧生。受害者在东耶路撒冷的一家犹太教堂的涉嫌武装袭击中被枪杀。 | Jerusalem synagogue attack: Seven killed in shooting. The victims are shot dead in a suspected militant attack at a synagogue in East Jerusalem. |
January 28, 2023
中文 (Chinese) - English : AP删除了有关“ The”法国人的广泛嘲笑的推文。该新闻社警告说,引用“法国人”的记者可能会变得不人 - AP deletes widely mocked tweet about ‘the’ French....
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