中文 (Chinese) | English |
神秘的"惠而浦"出现在夏威夷上方的夜空中。一个天文台捕获了一月份螺旋形成在夜空中飞行的视频。 | Mysterious 'whirlpool' appears in the night sky above Hawaii. An observatory captured video of the spiral formation flying through the night sky in January. |
巴基斯坦清真寺爆炸:为警察受害者举行的大规模葬礼。在周一的自杀式袭击中丧生的警官举行了一场全面警察荣誉的葬礼。 | Pakistan mosque blast: Mass funeral held for police victims. A funeral with full police honours has been held for officers killed in Monday's suicide attack. |
巴基斯坦清真寺爆炸:混乱的场景至少有32人丧生。在巴基斯坦城市白沙瓦的一座清真寺爆炸中,至少有87人被杀。 | Pakistan mosque blast: Chaotic scenes as at least 32 killed. At least 87 people are killed in an explosion at a mosque in the Pakistani city of Peshawar. |
澳大利亚家庭暴力:为期四天的警察行动被指控超过600。为期四天的操作旨在解决澳大利亚一个巨大的问题。 | Australia domestic violence: Over 600 charged in four-day police operation. The four-day operation was aimed at addressing what is a massive problem in Australia. |
普里西拉·普雷斯利(Priscilla Presley)竞争丽莎·玛丽(Lisa Marie)的遗嘱的有效性。 Rock'n'Roll传奇人物Elvis Presley的前妻说,他们的女儿的遗嘱被怀疑改变了。 | Priscilla Presley contests validity of Lisa Marie's will. The ex-wife of rock'n'roll legend Elvis Presley says their daughter's will was suspiciously altered. |
新西兰洪水:随着新警报的发布,人们担心会进一步损害。在奥克兰市因洪水严重袭击后几天发出新的天气警报。 | New Zealand flooding: Fears of further damage as new alerts issued. New weather alerts are issued days after the city of Auckland is badly hit by flooding. |
据报道,科技战争:拜登(Biden)暂停美国向华为出口。华盛顿已经收紧了美国技术出口规则已有几年了。 | Tech War: Biden moves to halt US exports to Huawei, reports say. Washington has been tightening its rules on exports of US technology to China for several years. |
巴基斯坦清真寺爆炸:在马拉松搜寻瓦砾中,更多的死亡。正在调查如何自杀炸弹袭击者进入白沙瓦的高安全性警察宿舍。 | Pakistan mosque blast: More confirmed dead in marathon search of rubble. An inquiry is under way into how a suicide bomber got into the high-security police quarters in Peshawar. |
加拿大省份通过将硬药非刑事化的实验。可卡因,海洛因和芬太尼将在温哥华及其周围省份少量。 | Canada province experiments with decriminalising hard drugs. Cocaine, heroin and fentanyl will be allowed in small quantities in Vancouver and its surrounding province. |
Laverne&Shirley女演员辛迪·威廉姆斯(Cindy Williams)逝世75岁。辛迪·威廉姆斯(Cindy Williams)在最受欢迎的美国情景喜剧中扮演雪莉·菲尼(Shirley Feeney)的角色而闻名。 | Laverne & Shirley actress Cindy Williams dies aged 75. Cindy Williams was best known for her role as Shirley Feeney in the popular American 1970s sitcom. |
January 31, 2023
中文 (Chinese) - English : 神秘的“惠而浦”出现在夏威夷上方的夜空中。一个天文台捕获了一月份螺旋形成在夜空中飞行的视频。 - Mysterious 'whirlpool' appears in the night sky ab...
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