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研究发现,鼻涕气泡和腹部的拖鞋保持冷静。澳大利亚研究人员使用热成像发现了本地动物的异常冷却方法。 | Snot bubbles and belly flops keep echidnas cool, research finds. Australian researchers discovered the native animal's unusual cooling methods using thermal imaging. |
Netflix为空姐提供了最高38.5万美元的薪水。该公司表示,私人飞机上的角色需要"酌处权和出色的客户服务技能"。 | Netflix offers pay of up to $385,000 for flight attendant. The firm says the role on a private jet requires "discretion and outstanding customer service skills". |
诺贝尔奖获得者玛丽亚·雷莎(Maria Ressa)清除了逃税。记者和诺贝尔奖获得者的无罪释放被誉为新闻自由的胜利。 | Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa cleared of tax evasion. The acquittal of the journalist and Nobel Laureate has been hailed as a win for press freedom. |
FTX:Collapsed Crypto Exchange说4.15亿美元被黑客入侵。上周,该公司告诉特拉华州的一名破产法官,它已回收了超过5亿美元的资产。 | FTX: Collapsed crypto exchange says $415m was hacked. Last week the company told a bankruptcy judge in Delaware that it had recovered over $5bn in assets. |
在加利福尼亚可能的卡特尔袭击中,有六名婴儿中有六人中的婴儿。加利福尼亚警方说,包括祖母和10个月大的孩子在内的六人被枪杀。 | Baby among six killed in possible cartel attack in California. California police say six people, including a grandmother and 10-month old child, were shot dead. |
当德克萨斯足球练习送学生去医院时,父母很生气。据报道,足球运动员被迫进行400次俯卧撑,教练正在休假。 | Parents angry as Texas football practice sends students to hospital. A coach is on leave after the football players were reportedly forced to do 400 push-ups. |
尼日利亚选举2023:有影响力的人如何由政党秘密支付。尼日利亚政客正在雇用社交媒体影响者在2月份的选举之前传播虚假信息。 | Nigeria elections 2023: How influencers are secretly paid by political parties. Nigerian politicians are hiring social media influencers to spread disinformation ahead of February's elections. |
金球奖:几位名人宣布颁奖典礼后的共同日子。许多名人参加了今年的颁奖典礼,以期为19天后的共同考验。 | Golden Globes: Several celebrities announce Covid days after awards. A number of celebrities who attended this year's awards test positive for Covid-19 days later. |
Itaewon人群压倒了:官方回应使人们对不公正和不信任感。亲戚说,当局正在以冷淡而冷漠的方式对灾难作出回应。 | Itaewon crowd crush: Official response feeds sense of injustice and mistrust. Relatives say authorities are responding to the disaster in a cold and indifferent way. |
印度的人口普查:缺乏数据正在损害印度人。政府指责Covid延迟了新数据,该数据现在正在袭击至关重要的政策领域。 | Census in India: Baffling lack of data is hurting Indians. The government blames Covid for the delay in new data, which is now hitting crucial policy areas. |