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致命的密西西比龙卷风给美国带来了破坏。龙卷风夺走了至少26人的生命,并毁灭了一个乡村小镇。 | Deadly Mississippi tornado brings devastation to US state. The tornado claimed the lives of at least 26 people and obliterated one rural town. |
喀拉拉邦基督教葬礼的照片传统。为什么在喀拉拉邦南部照片葬礼的基督徒。 | The photo tradition at Christian funerals in Kerala. Why Christians in the southern state of Kerala photograph funerals. |
芬兰大选:桑娜·马林(Sanna Marin)为生存而战。民意测验表明,她与中右翼的Petteri Orpo和右翼民粹主义Riikka Purra处于紧张状态。 | Finland election: Sanna Marin fights for survival. Polls suggest she is in a tight race with centre-right Petteri Orpo and right-wing populist Riikka Purra. |
卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris Africa)旅行:美国可以从中国魅力进攻性地吸引大陆吗?美国副总统卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)在激烈的影响力竞争中开始了大陆的游览。 | Kamala Harris Africa trip: Can US charm offensive woo continent from China?. US Vice-President Kamala Harris embarks on a tour of the continent amid fierce competition for influence. |
乌克兰战争:经过轰炸建筑物的360度虚拟旅程。不可否认的街景项目提供了360度访问乌克兰摧毁的基础设施。 | War in Ukraine: A 360-degree virtual journey past bombed buildings. The Undeniable Street View project provides a 360-degree tour of Ukraine's destroyed infrastructure. |
您的图片在"机械"主题上。来自世界各地读者的精选醒目的图像。 | Your pictures on the theme of 'machinery'. A selection of striking images from our readers around the world. |
技术已成为亚洲抗议活动的双刃剑。赋予异议能力的工具也在引起抗议。 | Technology has become the double-edged sword of Asia's protests. The same tools that are empowering dissent are also hobbling protests. |
上帝,枪支和特朗普:成千上万的德克萨斯集会。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)凝视着潜在的逮捕,这是他的竞选集会上的往常。 | God, guns and Trump': Thousands turn out for Texas rally. As Donald Trump stares down a potential arrest, it is business as usual at his campaign rally. |
国防部长敦促以色列法律改革。 Yoav Gallant的呼吁是以色列人反对在全国范围内举行的更改。 | Halt Israel legal reform, urges defence minister. Yoav Gallant's call comes as Israelis opposed to the changes hold further nationwide mass rallies. |
普京:俄罗斯在白俄罗斯驻扎核武器。美国国防部表示,它不认为俄罗斯准备使用核武器。 | Putin: Russia to station nuclear weapons in Belarus. The US Defense Department says it does not believe Russia is preparing to use the nuclear weapons. |