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无人机视频显示了我们龙卷风残骸的规模。席卷阿肯色州和伊利诺伊州的龙卷风的目击者描述了他们所看到的以及他们的生存方式。 | Drone video shows scale of US tornado wreckage. Witnesses from the tornado that swept Arkansas and Illinois describe what they saw and how they survived. |
无人机视频显示了我们龙卷风残骸的规模。一位在伊利诺伊州的摇滚演出的女人说,她狭窄地避免了屋顶塌陷。 | Drone video shows scale of US tornado wreckage. One woman who was at a rock gig in Illinois says she narrowly avoided the roof caving in on her. |
他将成为我们的下一任总统:佛罗里达抗议者对特朗普保持忠诚。在Mar-a-Lago附近的小而嗓音的集会上,示威者发誓要与唐纳德·特朗普站在一起。 | He'll be our next president': Florida protesters stay faithful to Trump. At small but vocal rallies near Mar-a-Lago, demonstrators vow to stand with Donald Trump. |
中国向非洲的贷款担心世界银行总裁戴维·马尔索(David Malpass)。该银行总统戴维·马尔斯(David Malpass)表示,在提供经济帮助时需要更高的透明度。 | China's loans to Africa worry World Bank President David Malpass. The bank's president David Malpass says more transparency is needed when providing economic help. |
乌克兰战争:俄罗斯的反对派领导人现在在哪里?普京总统的规定几乎没有受到挑战,反对者被迫离开俄罗斯 - 或更糟。 | Ukraine war: Where are Russia's opposition leaders now?. President Putin rules virtually unchallenged, with opponents forced to leave Russia - or worse. |
EmahoyTsegué-MaryamGuèbrou:成为埃塞俄比亚的"钢琴女王"的赤脚修女。埃塞俄比亚EmahoyTsegué-MaryamGuèbrou的非凡生活,其独特的作品捕捉了一个国家。 | Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou: The barefoot nun who became Ethiopia's 'piano queen'. The extraordinary life of Ethiopian Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou, whose unique work captured a nation. |
我的家人可能拥有英国国会议员的祖先。前BBC记者劳拉·特雷维利安(Laura Trevelyan)说,她的家人可能拥有克莱夫·刘易斯(Clive Lewis)的祖先。 | It's possible my family owned a UK MP's ancestors. Ex-BBC journalist Laura Trevelyan says it's possible her family owned Clive Lewis's ancestors. |
马丁·维克·马格努森(Martine Vik Magnussen):亿万富翁的儿子承认在英国广播公司(BBC)死亡。伦敦一名学生去世后逃到也门的法鲁克·阿卜杜勒哈克(Farouk Abdulhak)承认他的参与。 | Martine Vik Magnussen: Billionaire's son admits role in death to BBC. Farouk Abdulhak, who fled to Yemen after the death of a student in London, admits his involvement. |
愤怒和焦虑 - 亲特朗普在线网络内部。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)呼吁他的支持者抗议他的起诉 - 那么他们的回应如何? | Anger and anxiety - inside pro-Trump online networks. Donald Trump called on his supporters to protest about his indictment - so how are they responding? |
芬太尼 - 杀手毒品的破坏之路。美国人以惊人的速度死于芬太尼过量。但是破坏开始了更南方。 | Fentanyl - a killer drug's trail of destruction. Americans are dying from fentanyl overdoses at an alarming rate. But the destruction begins further south. |