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美国龙卷风留下了四人死亡,其中包括伊利诺伊州音乐演出。致命的龙卷风席卷了几个州,造成四人死亡,数十人受伤。 | US tornadoes leave four dead, including one at Illinois music gig. Lethal tornadoes sweep several US states, leaving four dead in total and dozens more injured. |
Lazarus Heist:洲际盗窃案在两个小时内净获得1400万美元。似乎在朝鲜工作的罪犯能够在28个国家 /地区掠夺现金点。 | Lazarus Heist: The intercontinental ATM theft that netted $14m in two hours. How criminals seemingly working for North Korea were able to plunder cashpoints in 28 countries. |
马哈拉施特拉邦:拉瓦尼舞者为女儿的未来而战。这些来自马哈拉施特拉邦的民间舞者不希望女儿学习传统舞蹈 - 为什么? | Maharashtra: The Lavani dancers fighting for their daughters' future. These folk dancers from Maharashtra don't want their daughters to learn the traditional dance - why? |
龙卷风抓在摄像机上,穿过阿肯色州的小石城。在阿肯色州宣布了紧急状态的阿肯色州,有近70,000人没有权力。 | Tornado caught on camera moving across Little Rock, Arkansas. Nearly 70,000 people are without power in Arkansas, which has announced a state of emergency. |
毁灭性的'阿肯色龙卷风发生紧急情况。小石城"重大损害"后,至少有24名受伤的人被送往医院。 | Devastating' Arkansas tornado sparks emergency. At least 24 injured people have been taken to hospital after "significant damage" in Little Rock. |
安德鲁·泰特(Andrew Tate)和兄弟从监护权中获释后讲话。有争议的社交媒体影响者被命令立即移居房屋逮捕。 | Andrew Tate and brother speak after release from custody. The controversial social media influencer was ordered to move to house arrest with immediate effect. |
天气主持人发现龙卷风播出的那一刻。阿肯色州的小石城在KTHV的天气报告中看到了一场强大的龙卷风。 | The moment weather presenter spots tornado live on air. Little Rock in Arkansas saw a strong tornado approaching during a weather report on KTHV. |
S韩国独裁者的孙子对1980年的Gwangju镇压感到抱歉。 Chun Woo-Won遇到了被杀害的人的亲戚,因为部队在1980年粉碎了一个学生起义。 | S Korea dictator's grandson sorry for 1980 Gwangju crackdown. Chun Woo-won meets relatives of those killed as troop crushed a student uprising in 1980. |
在美国加拿大边界附近的圣劳伦斯河中发现了八具尸体。官员说,来自印度和罗马尼亚的两个家庭正试图进入美国。 | Eight bodies found in St Lawrence River near US-Canada border. Two families from India and Romania were trying to cross into the US, officials say. |
挪威雪崩:在国家北部被杀的四名游客。在最致命的事件中,一所房子和谷仓被扫荡在莱因亚岛上的大海中。 | Norway avalanches: Tourists among four killed in north of country. In the deadliest incident, a house and barn were swept into the sea on the island of Reinøya. |