中文 (Chinese) | English |
特斯拉:马斯克警告说放缓后,电动汽车制造商的股票滑动。周四,纽约交易中,电动汽车制造商的股价下跌了12%以上。 | Tesla: Electric carmaker's shares slide after Musk warns of slowdown. The electric carmaker's shares fell by more than 12% in New York trading on Thursday. |
中国警告公民不要对外国间谍的"异国美感"陷阱。北京引用了中国男子的故事,他被外国间谍捕食蜂蜜陷阱。 | China warns citizens against 'exotic beauty' traps of foreign spies. Beijing cites story of Chinese man who fell prey to a honey trap by foreign spies. |
采矿巨头告诉巴西大坝灾难支付97亿美元。 2015年巴西基金会大坝的崩溃造成了巨大的泥石流,造成19人丧生。 | Mining giants told to pay $9.7bn over Brazil dam disaster. The 2015 collapse of the Fundão dam in Brazil caused a giant mudslide that killed 19 people. |
肯尼斯·尤金·史密斯(Kenneth Eugene Smith):阿拉巴马州首次执行美国氮气执行。目击者观察到被定罪的凶手肯尼斯·史密斯(Kenneth Smith)去世前的两到四分钟。 | Kenneth Eugene Smith: Alabama carries out first US nitrogen gas execution. Witnesses observed two to four minutes of writhing by convicted murderer Kenneth Smith before he died. |
古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt)肖像在将近100年后发现。在1925年在公共场合出现的最后一次在维也纳发现了"弗劳琳·里斯(Fraulein Lieser)的肖像"。 | Gustav Klimt portrait found after almost 100 years. The 'Portrait of Fraulein Lieser' - last seen in public in 1925 - has been discovered in Vienna. |
加沙战争:国际法院裁定呼吁以色列制止军事行动。国际法院可以命令以色列在南非提起的一个备受瞩目的案件中停止军事行动。 | Gaza war: ICJ to rule on call for Israel to stop military action. The ICJ could order Israel to stop military action, in a high-profile case brought by South Africa. |
寄居蟹正在"戴"我们的塑料垃圾。世界各地的寄居蟹正在使用我们的废弃塑料和其他废物代替天然壳。 | Hermit crabs are 'wearing' our plastic rubbish. Hermit crabs all over the world are using our discarded plastic and other waste in place of their natural shells. |
英国停止了与加拿大关于牛肉禁令中激素的贸易谈判。旨在扩大欧盟时代的一项交易的旨在,违反了英国对激素处理的肉的禁令。 | UK halts trade negotiations with Canada over hormones in beef ban. Talks aimed at extending a rolled-over EU-era deal broke down over Britain's ban on hormone-treated meat. |
一周的测验:谁的英国皇冠雷(Raye)偷了?您一直在关注过去七天的情况如何? | Quiz of the week: Whose Brits crown did Raye steal?. How closely have you been paying attention to what has been going on over the past seven days? |
一爱:金斯利·本·阿迪尔(Kingsley Ben-Adir)如何成为芭比娃娃(Barbie)的鲍勃·马利(Bob Marley)。演员最初拒绝了这个角色,称这太冒险了。是什么改变了他的主意? | One Love: How Kingsley Ben-Adir became Bob Marley on the set of Barbie. The actor initially turned down the role, saying it was too risky. What changed his mind? |
January 26, 2024
中文 (Chinese) - English : 特斯拉:马斯克警告说放缓后,电动汽车制造商的股票滑动。周四,纽约交易中,电动汽车制造商的股价下跌了1 - Tesla: Electric carmaker's shares slide after Musk...
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