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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 智利森林大火:官员说,至少有51人死亡。当森林射击瓦尔帕莱索地区时,波里奇总统宣布了紧急状态。 - Chile forest fires: At least 51 dead, say official... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 04, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : 智利森林大火:官员说,至少有51人死亡。当森林射击瓦尔帕莱索地区时,波里奇总统宣布了紧急状态。 - Chile forest fires: At least 51 dead, say official...

中文 (Chinese) English
智利森林大火:官员说,至少有51人死亡。当森林射击瓦尔帕莱索地区时,波里奇总统宣布了紧急状态。Chile forest fires: At least 51 dead, say officials. President Boric announced a state of emergency as forest fires scorched the Valparaíso region.
Hage Geingob:纳米比亚总统去年82岁。世界领导人上个月向公众透露了他的癌症诊断。Hage Geingob: Namibia's president dies aged 82. The world leader revealed his cancer diagnosis to the public last month.
美国选举:拜登将赢得南卡罗来纳州民主党初选。在似乎是胜利声明中,拜登保证将唐纳德·特朗普成为"失败者"。US elections: Biden set to win South Carolina Democratic primary. In what appeared to be a victory statement, Mr Biden pledged to make Donald Trump a "loser".
埃尔·萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)的总统目光在帮派镇压后面再次当选。纳伊布·布克尔(Nayib Bukele)总统在民意测验中领先于竞争对手 - 但并非所有选民都相信。El Salvador's president eyes re-election on back of gang crackdown. President Nayib Bukele is far ahead of rivals in polls - but not all voters are convinced.
德国的经济不仅需要一杯咖啡吗?昂贵的能源和更高利率的双重冲击阻碍了德国的增长。Does Germany's economy need more than a cup of coffee?. Germany's growth is being held back by the twin shocks of expensive energy and higher interest rates.
Neuralink:马斯克的大脑技术可以改变世界吗?这个世界上最富有的人在大脑芯片上大量押注,但他有要弥补的基础。Neuralink: Can Musk's brain technology change the world?. The world's richest man is betting heavily on his brain chip, but he has ground to make up.
伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan):巴基斯坦前PM计划如何从监狱中赢得选举。这位前巴基斯坦总理的政党认为,尽管采取了镇压,但新的策略仍可以帮助赢得选举。Imran Khan: How Pakistan ex-PM plans to win an election from jail. The former Pakistan PM's party believes new tactics can help it win elections despite a crackdown.
伊朗说,叙利亚和伊拉克罢工是"战略错误"。五角大楼袭击了叙利亚和伊拉克与伊朗联系的目标,以响应美国基地的无人机攻击。Iran says Syria and Iraq strikes are 'strategic mistake'. The Pentagon has struck Iran-linked targets in Syria and Iraq in response to a drone attack on a US base.
冰岛火山:在火山将熔岩洒到城镇之后,格林达维克的人民可能永远不会返回。格林达维克(Grindavik)现在空着,熔融熔岩渗入小镇后,它的人民逃离了。Iceland volcano: Grindavik's people may never return after volcano spills lava into town. Grindavik now lies empty, its people have fled, after molten lava seeped into the town.
乌克兰战争:俄罗斯罪犯不再有释放战斗的罪名。在乌克兰打架的俄罗斯囚犯不再提供总统赦免和面临更严格的条件。Ukraine war: No more easy deals for Russian convicts freed to fight. Russian prisoners released to fight in Ukraine are no longer offered a presidential pardon and face stricter conditions.

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