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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 奥地利部长海因茨 - 克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫辞职之际视频丑闻。副校长海因茨 - 克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫退 - Austria minister Heinz-Christian Strache resigns a... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 18, 2019

中文 (Chinese) - English : 奥地利部长海因茨 - 克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫辞职之际视频丑闻。副校长海因茨 - 克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫退 - Austria minister Heinz-Christian Strache resigns a...

中文 (Chinese) English
奥地利部长海因茨 - 克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫辞职之际视频丑闻。副校长海因茨 - 克里斯蒂安·斯特拉赫退出一天后的视频陷入了他腐败丑闻。Austria minister Heinz-Christian Strache resigns amid video scandal. Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache quits a day after a video mired him in a corruption scandal.
伊拉克孤儿:30年后寻找妈妈。阿马尔被带到英国之后的凝固汽油弹攻击 - 因为他认为他的母亲已经死了30年了。The Iraqi orphan: Finding mum after 30 years. Amar was brought to the UK following a napalm attack - for three decades he thought his mother was dead.
俄亥俄州立大学博士学位滥用177名男学生。通过大学的调查结果说,医生从1979-1997滥用的运动员。Ohio State University doctor 'abused 177 male students'. The findings of an investigation by the university says the doctor abused athletes from 1979-1997.
凯文·马洛里:前中情局特工获刑间谍中国。凯文·马洛里,62岁,被判处有期徒刑20年披露军事机密。Kevin Mallory: Ex-CIA agent jailed for spying for China. Kevin Mallory, 62, is sentenced to 20 years in prison for disclosing military secrets.
科洛尼亚Dignidad:德国以补偿智利公社受害者。在智利南部一个前纳粹士兵创办一个虐待教派的受害者将得到补偿。Colonia Dignidad: Germany to compensate Chile commune victims. Victims of an abusive sect founded by a former Nazi soldier in southern Chile will be compensated.
肯塔基德比:最大安全的所有者发出$20米挑战对手。赛马主人计划采取法律行动请求后肯塔基德比获胜者将被拒绝对最大安全回避的上诉。Kentucky Derby: Maximum Security's owner issues $20m challenge to rivals. Racehorse owner plans legal action after request to appeal against the disqualification of Maximum Security as Kentucky Derby winner is rejected.
阿拉巴马州堕胎禁令:如果男人在辩论中的发言权?许多美国各州通过堕胎禁令有男性占多数的立法机构 - 关系?Alabama abortion ban: Should men have a say in the debate?. Many of the US states passing abortion bans have male-majority legislatures - does that matter?
斯里兰卡战争10年:寻找父亲弗朗西斯。牧师登上军事公交车与360人在斯里兰卡内战结束 - 他们从来没有出现过。Sri Lanka's war 10 years on: Finding Father Francis. The priest boarded military buses with 360 people at the end of Sri Lanka's civil war - they were never seen again.
为什么乌克兰已成为诱捕在美国勾结索赔。基辅检察官复苏,乌克兰与民主党合作,损坏特朗普活动的指控。Why Ukraine has become ensnared in US collusion claims. A Kiev prosecutor revives allegations that Ukraine worked with Democrats to damage the Trump campaign.
昆士兰州的怪异,野生政治。失望的选民和小党 - 有些与极端主义观点 - 可能会破坏昆士兰州调查。The weird, wild politics of Queensland. Disappointed voters and small parties - some with extremist views - could disrupt the Queensland poll.

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