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明尼阿波利斯抗议活动继续:"没有人的听力。"抗议逮捕期间摇滚一名手无寸铁的黑人男子的令人震惊的死亡后,双子城。 | Minneapolis protests continue: 'Nobody's listening'. Protests rock the Twin Cities area after the shocking death of an unarmed black man during an arrest. |
冠状病毒:"我建了一个纪念我的祖父在动物之森"。一位年轻女子用流行的游戏动物之森为她的家庭白散的传统。 | Coronavirus: 'I built a memorial to my grandfather on Animal Crossing'. One young woman used popular game Animal Crossing for her family tradition of Bai San. |
当Covid-19的命中,动物园管理员凯特琳亨德森结束了在锁定70种蜘蛛。当Covid-19的命中,动物园管理员凯特琳亨德森结束了在锁定70种蜘蛛。 | When Covid-19 hit, zookeeper Caitlin Henderson ended up in lockdown with 70 spiders. When Covid-19 hit, zookeeper Caitlin Henderson ended up in lockdown with 70 spiders. |
在澳大利亚的叶子狮子攻击饲养员受重伤。该名女子遭受了伤病的关键在清洁时在新南威尔士州的外壳,警方说。 | Lion attack in Australia leaves zookeeper badly injured. The woman suffered critical injuries while cleaning an enclosure in New South Wales, police say. |
惠特拉姆解雇:澳大利亚法院授予女王的字母访问。女王的关于1975年解雇澳大利亚的PM书,将法律斗争之后予以公布。 | Gough Whitlam dismissal: Australian court grants access to Queen's letters. The Queen's letters about the 1975 sacking of Australia's PM will be made public after a legal fight. |
乔治·弗洛伊德:国民警卫队明尼阿波利斯发生冲突后部署。人群出现了一个黑人男子被拘留的死亡已经查获了派出所,抗议活动。 | George Floyd: National Guard deployed after Minneapolis clashes. Crowds appear to have seized a police station, in protests over the death of a black man in custody. |
特朗普迹象行政命令后事实检查行针对Twitter的。美国总统的举措是由Twitter决定了"事实检查"的通知添加到他的微博。 | Trump signs executive order targeting Twitter after fact-checking row. The US president's move follows a decision by Twitter to add a "fact-check" notice to his tweets. |
在线虐待儿童锁定在上升的警告报警。世界各地的警察部队警告犯罪分子所使用的限制,以儿童为目标。 | Online child abuse rising during lockdown warn police. Police forces across the world are warning criminals are using the restrictions to target children. |
莫斯科一倍以上,全市Covid-19的死亡人数。官员现在说,1561人死于这种疾病在四月 - 不是639最初宣布。 | Moscow more than doubles city's Covid-19 death toll. Officials now say 1,561 people died from the disease in April - not 639 as initially announced. |
世界上最深的章鱼相机拍摄。 A"小飞象"章鱼在7000米在印度洋爪哇海沟的深度拍照。 | World's deepest octopus captured on camera. A "Dumbo" octopus is photographed at a depth of 7,000m in the Indian Ocean's Java Trench. |