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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 哥伦比亚:土著抗议者推翻征服者的雕像。他们说,塞巴斯蒂安·贝拉尔卡萨代表南美大屠杀和奴役的五个世纪。 - Colombia: Indigenous protesters topple conquistado... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 17, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 哥伦比亚:土著抗议者推翻征服者的雕像。他们说,塞巴斯蒂安·贝拉尔卡萨代表南美大屠杀和奴役的五个世纪。 - Colombia: Indigenous protesters topple conquistado...

中文 (Chinese) English
哥伦比亚:土著抗议者推翻征服者的雕像。他们说,塞巴斯蒂安·贝拉尔卡萨代表南美大屠杀和奴役的五个世纪。Colombia: Indigenous protesters topple conquistador's statue. They say Sebastián de Belalcázar represented five centuries of genocide and slavery in South America.
拜登说,在英国"尊重"为耶稣受难日协议的美国贸易交易铰链。总统候选人说,在北爱尔兰和平不能成为"Brexit的伤亡"。Biden says US trade deal hinges on UK 'respect' for Good Friday Agreement. The presidential candidate says peace in Northern Ireland cannot become a "casualty of Brexit".
Covid推动新西兰成为最严重的衰退年。国家看到了保持了病毒早期成功,但严格的措施已经采取了收费。Covid pushes New Zealand into worst recession in years. The country saw early success in keeping out the virus, but strict measures have taken a toll.
对我来说,鲸鱼肉是我的童年,我的回忆。鲸鱼肉上升挪威的销售,帮助被更多挪威回事staycations。For me whale meat is my childhood, my memories'. Sales of whale meat rise in Norway, helped by more Norwegians going on staycations.
中国债务狗马尔代夫桥梁繁荣"。借贷大量资金用于基础设施项目,可在小岛国还给我后?China debt dogs Maldives' 'bridge to prosperity'. After borrowing vast sums for infrastructure projects, can the tiny island nation pay it back?
冠状病毒:南非减轻严格锁定的情况下下降。从9月20日实行宵禁将有所缓和,允许更大的聚会,和酒精将出售。Coronavirus: South Africa eases strict lockdown as cases drop. From 20 September a curfew will be eased, bigger gatherings allowed, and alcohol will be on sale.
移民危机2015年:发生了什么事Nujeen穆斯塔法? Nujeen在叙利亚逃离战争,并于2015年在她的轮椅越过欧洲,但现在她在哪儿?Migrant crisis 2015: What happened to Nujeen Mustafa?. Nujeen fled war in Syria, and crossed Europe in her wheelchair in 2015, but where is she now?
冠状病毒:对口罩和疫苗疾控中心主任VS特鲁姆普总裁。美国疾病控制和导演美国总统的中心给冠状病毒对比信息。Coronavirus: CDC director vs President Trump on face masks and vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control director and US president give contrasting messages on coronavirus.
美国大选2020:我们什么时候将获得美国大选的结果?邮寄选票,法律纠纷和固执的候选人很多可能会延迟的结果。US election 2020: When will we get a result for the US election?. Lots of postal ballots, legal disputes and stubborn candidates could delay the results.
学生敢于挑战泰国的君主制。 Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul读出10点宣言呼吁君主制的改革。The student daring to challenge Thailand's monarchy. Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul read out a 10-point manifesto calling for reform of the monarchy.

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