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Covid:欧盟推出大规模疫苗接种在"团结的感人的时刻"。一些成员国冠状病毒的刺拳周日的统筹部署之前跳枪。 | Covid: EU launches mass vaccination in 'touching moment of unity'. Some member states jump the gun before Sunday's co-ordinated rollout of a coronavirus jab. |
纳什维尔爆炸"可能是自杀式爆炸"。之后发现的遗骸和一所房子被搜索研究者进行DNA测试。 | Nashville explosion 'probably suicide bombing'. Investigators conduct DNA tests after human remains are found and a house is searched. |
为什么印度否认犯人眼镜和吸管?监狱官员已经被提出用于残忍囚犯 - 尤其是政府的批评。 | Why is India denying prisoners spectacles and straws?. Jail officials have been called out for being cruel to prisoners - especially the government's critics. |
乌干达美国宇航局的科学家凯瑟琳Nakalembe如何利用卫星来提高务农。凯瑟琳Nakalembe夺得今年非洲粮食奖为利用卫星图像的创举。 | How Ugandan Nasa scientist Catherine Nakalembe uses satellites to boost farming. Catherine Nakalembe won this year's Africa Food Prize for pioneering work using satellite images. |
如何在2020年Covid-19改变世界的事件的流行影响了我们大家 - 和形状的全球性问题,用敲上数以百万计的影响。 | How Covid-19 altered world events in 2020. The pandemic affected us all - and shaped global issues, with knock-on effects for millions. |
伊朗:登山者死于暴风雪和雪崩。至少有10名登山者死亡,7人在德黑兰附近的厄尔布尔士山脉失踪。 | Iran: Climbers die in blizzards and avalanche. At least 10 climbers are killed and seven others are missing in the Alborz mountains near Tehran. |
冠状病毒:发生了什么Covid做了气候危机?世界各地的Lockdowns导致创纪录下跌的二氧化碳排放量。但是,这是否会导致长期持久的变化? | Coronavirus: What has Covid done for climate crisis?. Lockdowns around the world have led to record falls in CO2 emissions. But will this lead to long lasting change? |
2020年我:"EndSARS是我们的黑色物质生活"。经过抗议,罢工,并锁定,奇奇,从尼日利亚拉各斯的学生,不能等到今年结束。 | 2020 and me: 'EndSARS was our Black Lives Matter'. After protests, a strike, and lockdown, Kiki, a student from Lagos, Nigeria, can't wait for the year to be over. |
Covid在课堂:如何在大流行发生变化这三个教师的生活。三位教师在美国反思自己的工作如何在大幅改变2020。 | Covid in the classroom: How the pandemic changed these three teachers' lives. Three teachers in the US reflect on how drastically their jobs have changed during 2020. |
Covid:特鲁姆普未能签署经济救助法案成为法律。数以百万计的最后期限签署通行证后,美国人暂时失去失业救济金。 | Covid: Trump fails to sign economic relief bill into law. Millions of Americans temporarily lose unemployment benefits after the deadline for signing passes. |