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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 冠状病毒:世卫组织小组,开始探入武汉根源。专家小组将开始面试人在Covid-19第一次检测到的城市。 - Coronavirus: WHO team to begin probe into origins ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 28, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 冠状病毒:世卫组织小组,开始探入武汉根源。专家小组将开始面试人在Covid-19第一次检测到的城市。 - Coronavirus: WHO team to begin probe into origins ...

中文 (Chinese) English
冠状病毒:世卫组织小组,开始探入武汉根源。专家小组将开始面试人在Covid-19第一次检测到的城市。Coronavirus: WHO team to begin probe into origins in Wuhan. A team of experts will begin interviewing people in the city where Covid-19 was first detected.
坏词导致GameStop的股价暴跌。使用在线聊天室,私人投资者已导致一些意想不到的股份交易狂潮。Bad words' lead to GameStop shares plunging. Private investors using online chatrooms have led to a trading frenzy in some unexpected shares.
冠状病毒:欧盟和阿斯利康寻求解决疫苗供应危机。双方承诺下班后一起上报5000万剂量短缺的27个成员国的欧盟。Coronavirus: EU and AstraZeneca seek to resolve vaccine supply crisis. Both sides pledge to work together after a reported 50 million-dose shortfall for the 27-member EU.
举行了基督城式剧情新加坡男孩。 16岁的清真寺计划刀穆斯林和即时串流攻击,当局说。Singapore boy held over Christchurch-style plot. The 16-year-old planned to knife Muslims at mosques and livestream the attack, authorities say.
克里:英国气候峰会是世界上"最后的最佳机会"。新的美国气候变化问题特使说,时间已经不多了,为世界应对气候危机。John Kerry: UK climate summit is world's 'last best chance'. The new US climate envoy says time is running out for the world to address the climate crisis.
安东尼布林肯:谁是美国的新的顶级外交官?今年58岁,是在国务院的老巢,誓要特朗普时代后恢复信任。Antony Blinken: Who is America's new top diplomat?. The 58-year-old is on home turf in the state department, vowing to restore trust after the Trump era.
Covid:澳大利亚各州爆发后所含重新悉尼。旅游在其最大的城市是控制住了一Covid爆发后禁止澳大利亚各地的易用性。Covid: Australian states to reopen to Sydney after outbreak contained. Travel bans ease across Australia after a Covid outbreak in its biggest city is brought under control.
中国新年:要回家过节取缔。中国正在努力削减世界上最大的大规模迁徙活动,当人们回家农历新年。Chinese New Year: Clamping down on going home for the holidays. China is striving to curtail the world's biggest mass migration event when people go home for Lunar New Year.
萨尼·阿巴查 - 追捕尼日利亚的前领导人偷走了数十亿美元。在半夜一个电话,导致一个瑞士律师追求尼日利亚的赃款。Sani Abacha - the hunt for the billions stolen by Nigeria's ex-leader. A phone call in the middle of the night led one Swiss lawyer to pursue Nigeria's stolen money.
什么技术可以在美国总统使用?从ObamaPad拜登的Apple关注和大部队,当总统可能是一个技术挑战。What tech can the US president use?. From the ObamaPad to Joe Biden's Apple Watch and Peloton, being president can be a tech challenge.

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