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Covid:澳大利亚国会议员在走廊上误传冲突。在走廊的对抗,丹娘·普利伯西克指责谣传的对手克雷格·凯利。 | Covid: Australian MPs clash in hallway over misinformation. In a hallway confrontation, Tanya Plibersek accuses opponent Craig Kelly of spreading misinformation. |
布林:谷歌联合创始人设立在新加坡的家族企业。世界上第九富有的人,谢尔盖·布林,正在建立一个公司在这个城市国家来管理他的财富。 | Sergey Brin: Google co-founder sets up family firm in Singapore. The world's ninth-richest person, Sergey Brin, is setting up a company in the city-state to manage his wealth. |
科兴公司与国药控股 - 我们怎么了解中国的疫苗?中国在发展16次的疫苗,但那些从科兴公司和国药控股是领先者。 | Sinovac and Sinopharm - what do we know about the Chinese vaccines?. China has 16 vaccines in development, but those from Sinovac and Sinopharm are the front-runners. |
缅甸政变:中国联合国块谴责抗议增长。政治领袖翁山苏姬的命运仍不清楚民用抗命步伐加快。 | Myanmar coup: China blocks UN condemnation as protest grows. The fate of political leader Suu Kyi remains unclear as civilian disobedience gathers pace. |
珀斯山火:后送为几十家被毁。数百名澳大利亚人移动到疏散中心在锁定的城市,更发出警告。 | Perth bushfire: Evacuations as dozens of homes destroyed. Hundreds of Australians move to evacuation centres in the locked-down city, as more warnings are issued. |
俄罗斯:普京的批评家Navalny后大规模拘捕入狱。反对派领导人阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼是入狱后,近1400人举行人权监测说。 | Russia: Mass detentions after Putin critic Navalny jailed. Nearly 1,400 people are held after opposition leader Alexei Navalny is jailed, rights monitors say. |
太阳能授权的年轻女性在也门。十也门妇女的阿布斯区已经建立,现在运行的太阳能微网。 | Solar energy empowers young women in Yemen. Ten women in Yemen's Abs district have built and now run a solar microgrid. |
金球奖2021:六件事看出来的提名。该提名将姗姗来迟火发令枪今年的好莱坞颁奖季。 | Golden Globes 2021: Six things to look out for in the nominations. The nominations will belatedly fire the starting gun for this year's Hollywood awards season. |
印度农民抗议:"战争般的防御工事",以保护印度。铁钉,微风块和铁丝网路障的地方,保持了惊人的农民。 | India farmer protests: 'War-like fortification' to protect Delhi. Barricades of iron spikes, breeze blocks and barbed wire are in place to keep out striking farmers. |
澳网:Stefanos的Tsitsipas'家庭关系和他差点被淹死的那一天。 Stefanos的Tsitsipas是网坛最优秀的年轻球员之一。背后的魅力和信心所在进展到顶部的一个独特的故事。 | Australian Open: Stefanos Tsitsipas' family bond & the day he nearly drowned. Stefanos Tsitsipas is one of tennis' best young players. Behind the charisma & confidence lies a unique story of progression to the top. |