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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 米歇尔·奥巴马:少女时代所有给我希望。“说起伦敦学校的女孩,前美国第一夫人不得不振奋的消息分享。 - Michelle Obama: Girls 'all give me hope'. Speaking... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

April 02, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 米歇尔·奥巴马:少女时代所有给我希望。“说起伦敦学校的女孩,前美国第一夫人不得不振奋的消息分享。 - Michelle Obama: Girls 'all give me hope'. Speaking...

中文 (Chinese) English
米歇尔·奥巴马:少女时代所有给我希望。"说起伦敦学校的女孩,前美国第一夫人不得不振奋的消息分享。Michelle Obama: Girls 'all give me hope'. Speaking to girls from London schools, the former US first lady had inspiring messages to share.
荷兰PM鲁特勉强生存不信任投票。鲁特被指控撒谎,并试图在会谈打入冷宫的MP,形成执政联盟。Dutch PM Rutte narrowly survives no-confidence vote. Mark Rutte is accused of lying and trying to sideline an MP during talks to form a governing coalition.
台湾:至少34隧道内列车脱轨后死亡。数十名仍被困在什么恐怕要在几十年岛内最严重的铁路灾难。Taiwan: At least 34 killed after train derails inside tunnel. Dozens more are still trapped in what is feared to be the island's worst rail disaster in decades.
股市打拜登支出计划的新纪录。亚洲市场小幅走高后,投资者的乐观推动华尔街创下新高过夜。Stock markets hit new records on Biden spending plan. Asian markets have edged higher after optimistic investors pushed Wall Street to new highs overnight.
澳大利亚:地质学家通过"angriest章鱼"上海滩殴打。在视频中,章鱼能在浅水区,在地质学家兰斯卡尔森绑扎就可以看出来。Australia: geologist beaten up by 'angriest octopus' on beach. In a video, the octopus can be seen in shallow waters lashing out at geologist Lance Karlson.
乐施会暂停两国加强援助工作者之际在刚果民主共和国的性剥削的权利。一些工作人员担心慈善机构还没有学会2018年海地丑闻的教训,纽约时报报道。Oxfam suspends two aid workers amid sex exploitation claims in DR Congo. Some staff fear the charity has not learnt the lessons of the 2018 Haiti scandal, the Times reports.
詹姆斯·查尔斯:YouTube的明星承认短信未成年男孩。这位21岁的在YouTube网站上的视频解决最近的指责,他说,他相信他们是18。James Charles: YouTube star admits to messaging underage boys. The 21-year-old posted a video on YouTube addressing the recent accusations, saying he believed they were 18.
在澳大利亚名人的愤怒公民滞留在"双重标准"。而许多澳大利亚人仍然拒之门外好莱坞明星的数十名在大流行搬迁。Celebrities in Australia anger stranded citizens over 'double standard'. Dozens of Hollywood stars have relocated during the pandemic while many Australians remain shut out.
禁闭:纽约禁止15天以上的监狱隔离。纽约带来禁闭改革之际在整个美国的制度变化调用。Solitary confinement: New York bans prison isolation over 15 days. New York is bringing in solitary confinement reforms amid calls for changes throughout the US system.
耶瓦Lesinska:"我发现我的父亲是一个间谍"。耶瓦Lesinska发现关于她的父亲的真相后,面临着一个痛苦的选择。Ieva Lesinska: 'I discovered my father was a spy'. Ieva Lesinska faced an agonising choice after discovering the truth about her father.

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