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澳大利亚Covid:墨尔本的搭扣锁定火花抗议。由于该国的三角洲爆发蔓延,反锁定示威者将街道送到街道上。 | Australia Covid: Melbourne's snap lockdown spark protest. Anti-lockdown demonstrators took to the streets as the country's delta outbreak spreads. |
德国洪水:至少80人死亡,数百人未达到。在德国,数百人未占,在荷兰和比利时报告了进一步的死亡。 | Germany floods: At least 80 dead and hundreds unaccounted for. Hundreds are unaccounted for in Germany, with further deaths reported in the Netherlands and Belgium. |
加拿大:前住宅学校网站上有更多无标记的坟墓。一个土着群体在5月份表示,它发现了215名儿童在未标记的坟墓中的可能遗体。 | Canada: More unmarked graves likely at former residential school site. An indigenous group said in May it had found the probable remains of 215 children in unmarked graves. |
独自在印度尼西亚的严峻战斗与Covid-19。消防员从家中运送机构作为医院争夺亚洲新的Covid震中的氧气。 | Dying alone in Indonesia's grim battle with Covid-19. Firefighters haul bodies from homes as hospitals scramble for oxygen in Asia's new Covid epicentre. |
观点:为什么Sikhs是世界的Do-Do offore。一本新书问道为什么锡克教斯已经让它成为一个在最黑暗时刻帮助陌生人的传统。 | Viewpoint: Why Sikhs are the do-gooders of the world. A new book asks why Sikhs have made it a tradition to help strangers in their darkest moments. |
南非祖马骚乱:事实上 - 检查抗议的索赔。我们看了一些误导性图像和视频的例子,声称来自目前的抗议活动。 | South Africa Zuma riots: Fact-checking claims about the protests. We've looked at some examples of misleading images and videos, claiming to be from the current protests. |
加拿大住宅学校:'六岁,我被监禁了'。作为未标记的坟墓的搜索继续,幸存者反映了住宅学校的黑暗遗产。 | Canada residential schools: 'Six years old, I was imprisoned here'. As searches for unmarked graves continue, survivors reflect on a dark legacy of residential schools. |
非洲的一周图片:2021年7月9日至15日。从非洲大陆和超越的一周中选择了一周的最佳照片。 | Africa's week in pictures: 9-15 July 2021. A selection of the week's best photos from across the continent and beyond. |
您的个人数据如何从社交媒体上刮擦。当黑客从社交媒体网站挖掘数据时,如果公司能够更好地照顾您的数据? | How your personal data is being scraped from social media. As hackers scoop up data from social media sites, should firms be taking better care of your data? |
东京2020年:体操运动员在文化之间建造桥梁。日本北部的Murayama镇正准备欢迎一支保加利亚奥林匹克人团队。 | Tokyo 2020: The gymnasts 'building bridges between cultures'. The town of Murayama in northern Japan is preparing to welcome a team of Bulgarian Olympians. |