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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 乌克兰战争:俄罗斯石油的价格上限将立即袭击普京 - 美国。该上限将阻止各国支付每桶60美元以上的费用 - Ukraine war: Price cap on Russian oil will hit Put... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

December 03, 2022

中文 (Chinese) - English : 乌克兰战争:俄罗斯石油的价格上限将立即袭击普京 - 美国。该上限将阻止各国支付每桶60美元以上的费用 - Ukraine war: Price cap on Russian oil will hit Put...

中文 (Chinese) English
乌克兰战争:俄罗斯石油的价格上限将立即袭击普京 - 美国。该上限将阻止各国支付每桶60美元以上的费用,将于周一生效。Ukraine war: Price cap on Russian oil will hit Putin immediately - US. The cap, which stops countries paying more than $60 a barrel, is due to come into force on Monday.
警察箔小组试图从乌克兰墙壁上窃取Banksy壁画。警方逮捕了几名人,他们从宿主体的一座饱受战争torn的建筑物的墙壁上切了艺术品。Police foil group trying to steal Banksy mural from Ukraine wall. Police arrested several people who cut the artwork from the wall of a war-torn building in Hostomel.
西岸的录像引起了以色列使用致命力量的聚光灯。本周有一天,在对抗中,有四名巴勒斯坦人被以色列部队枪杀。West Bank footage throws spotlight on Israel's use of lethal force. Four Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli troops during confrontations on one day this week.
钦奈:1,000名印度鳄鱼的转移提出了棘手的问题。爬行动物正在从繁殖中心转移到一个遥远的动物园,使保护主义者不舒服。Chennai: Transfer of 1,000 India crocodiles raises thorny question. The reptiles are being moved from a breeding centre to a far-away zoo, making conservationists uncomfortable.
安瓦尔·易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim):蜜月作为马来西亚总理,将残酷地短暂。他终于获得了理想的工作 - 但是安瓦尔·易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim)面临一个分裂的国家和一个薄弱的经济。Anwar Ibrahim: Honeymoon as Malaysian PM will be brutally short. He finally got his dream job - but Anwar Ibrahim faces a divided country and a weak economy.
Earthshot奖:威廉王子宣布五名获奖者。来自阿曼的朋友将二氧化碳变成岩石和一家英国公司从海藻制作包装。Earthshot Prize: Prince William announces five winners. Friends from Oman who turn CO2 into rock and a UK firm making packaging from seaweed are among the winners.
警方以未付$ 77的垃圾法案逮捕了阿拉巴马州老年妇女。这名老年妇女的逮捕引发了阿拉巴马州的愤怒。Police arrest elderly Alabama woman over unpaid $77 trash bill. The arrest of the elderly woman has sparked outrage in Alabama.
起飞:警察逮捕男子在致命的说唱歌手枪击案中。说唱团体最小的Migos的起飞上个月在休斯顿保龄球馆外被杀。Takeoff: Police arrest man in fatal shooting of rapper. Takeoff, youngest of the rap group Migos, was killed last month outside a Houston bowling alley.
乌克兰战争:G7和盟友批准俄罗斯石油价格上限。在欧盟提供支持之后,G7在出口俄罗斯原油上同意每桶60美元的上限。Ukraine war: G7 and allies approve cap on price of Russian oil. The G7 agrees a cap of $60 a barrel on exported Russian crude, after the EU gave its backing.
西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa):在丑闻中,南非领导人的未来有疑问。南非人在ANC领导人休会的危机谈判中等待着诱人的呼吸。Cyril Ramaphosa: South Africa leader's future in doubt amid scandal. South Africans wait with baited breath as ANC leaders adjourn crisis talks.

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