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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 国际货币基金组织警告说,今年衰退的第三名。克里斯塔利娜·乔治娃(Kristalina Georgie - Third of world in recession this year, IMF head wa... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 02, 2023

中文 (Chinese) - English : 国际货币基金组织警告说,今年衰退的第三名。克里斯塔利娜·乔治娃(Kristalina Georgie - Third of world in recession this year, IMF head wa...

中文 (Chinese) English
国际货币基金组织警告说,今年衰退的第三名。克里斯塔利娜·乔治娃(Kristalina Georgieva)表示,由于全球经济面临挑战,2023年将比去年"艰难"。Third of world in recession this year, IMF head warns. Kristalina Georgieva says 2023 will be "tougher" than last year as the global economy faces challenges.
教皇本尼迪克特十六世:躺在梵蒂冈的状态开始。预计成千上万的人将在周四的葬礼之前向本尼迪克特十六世表示敬意。Pope Benedict XVI: Lying in state at the Vatican begins. Tens of thousands of people are expected to pay their respects to Benedict XVI before his funeral on Thursday.
数十人在致命袭击中逃脱墨西哥监狱。涉嫌毒品卡特尔的涉嫌成员在装甲车上拉起,并在狱警上开火。Dozens escape Mexican jail in deadly attack. Suspected members of a drug cartel pull up in armoured vehicles and open fire on prison guards.
俄罗斯 - 乌克兰战争:基辅和乌克兰东部的无人机袭击仍在继续。午夜前不久,空袭警报声响起,俄罗斯在新年期间发动了最新的袭击。Russia-Ukraine war: Drone attacks continue on Kyiv and eastern Ukraine. Air raid sirens sounded shortly before midnight as the latest in a wave of attacks by Russia over the New Year period began.
加纳巨人据报道是世界上最高的人。一家医院告诉Sulemana他的身高6英尺6英寸,但护士不确定 - 因此,英国广播公司(BBC)去了。The Ghanaian giant reported to be the world's tallest man. A hospital told Sulemana he was 9ft 6in, but nurses couldn't be sure - so the BBC went to find out.
冲浪者用古老的知识创造了岛屿生态。在巴拿马海沿岸购买土地的土地是如何使冲浪者进行重新造林的旅程。Surfer creates island eco-haven with ancient knowhow. How the purchase of a plot of land on Panama's coast set a surfer on a journey towards reforestation.
人群在巴西庆祝卢拉(Lula)宣誓就职总统。巴西的新总统乘坐敞开的汽车旅行,向街上的人们挥手。Crowds celebrate in Brazil as Lula sworn in as president. Brazil's new president travelled in an open-topped car and waved to people lining the streets.
乌克兰战争:普京应今年面临审判,顶级律师说。律师领导塞尔维亚前领导人米洛舍维奇(Milosevic)的大律师说,俄罗斯的领导人是"有罪的人"。Ukraine war: Putin should face trial this year, says top lawyer. Russia's leader is a "guilty man", says the barrister who led the case against Serbia's ex-leader Milosevic.
维京猎户座(Viking Orion):海军陆战队增长停止船后搁浅的乘客。维京猎户帝国被拒绝进入澳大利亚,直到潜水员清除潜在的有害物质为止。Viking Orion: Cruise passengers stranded after marine growth halts ship. The Viking Orion is denied entry to Australia until divers remove the potentially harmful material.
纽约批准人体堆肥。这是批准该过程的最新地点 - 被认为比埋葬或火化更绿。New York approves composting of human bodies. It is the latest place to approve the process - considered to be greener than a burial or cremation.

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