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家庭批评家庭批评的新美国儿童肥胖指南。一些家庭担心美国儿科医生的新准则优先考虑手术和强化治疗。 | New US childhood obesity guidelines criticised by families. Some families worry that new guidelines from US paediatricians prioritise surgery and intensive therapy. |
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)让我很尴尬地驾驶特斯拉。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)曾经被誉为特斯拉成功的秘诀。现在他是它的问题之一。 | Elon Musk has made me embarrassed to drive my Tesla now'. Elon Musk was once hailed as the secret to Tesla's success. Now he's one of its problems. |
尼日利亚洪水:来自溺水世界的歌曲和证词。尼日利亚最严重的洪水破坏了社区的肖像。 | Nigeria floods: Songs and testimonies from a drowning world. Portraits of communities devastated by the worst recorded floods in Nigeria. |
电视主持人汤姆·弗拉恩(Tom Verlaine)在73岁时去世。他的乐队在1970年代的纽约朋克舞台上名声,在包括马奎·穆恩(Marquee Moon)在内的英国打击。 | Television frontman Tom Verlaine dies at 73. His band rose to fame in the 1970s New York punk scene, scoring UK hits including Marquee Moon. |
轮胎尼科尔斯:死后警察部门被解散。所谓的蝎子特别部门将在看到其军官击败尼科尔斯先生后解散。 | Tyre Nichols: Police unit is disbanded after death. The so-called Scorpion special unit will be disbanded after its officers were seen beating Mr Nichols. |
尼科尔斯被捕的视频中未解决的问题。录像显示了一个残酷的殴打,但我们仍然不知道为什么军官决定停下车。 | Unanswered questions from videos of Tyre Nichols' arrest. The footage shows a brutal beating but we still don't know why officers decided to stop his car. |
飞行员死于印度陆军喷气式空中碰撞。事件发生时,飞机正在执行常规的"操作飞行训练任务"。 | Pilot dies in Indian army jet mid-air collision. The planes were on a routine "operational flying training mission" when the incident happened. |
在这个充满幼犬的瑜伽课上,向下狗很容易。一个动物收容所与健身房合作,将一些毛茸茸的朋友带入锻炼课程。 | Downward dog is easy in this pup-filled yoga class. An animal shelter teamed up with a gym to bring some furry friends into workout classes. |
新西兰:奥克兰在"前所未有的"洪水后清理干净。由于新西兰最大的城市受到创纪录的降雨的打击,至少有三人被杀。 | New Zealand: Auckland cleans up after 'unprecedented' floods. At least three people are killed as New Zealand's largest city is hit by record rainfall. |
警察在孟菲斯暴力逮捕期间踢轮胎尼科尔斯。充满活力的录像显示,在致命殴打之前的那一刻,孟菲斯警察将他拖出了汽车。 | Police kick and punch Tyre Nichols during violent arrest in Memphis. Expletive-filled footage shows Memphis Police drag him from his car, in the moments before fatal beating. |