中文 (Chinese) | English |
西班牙字母炸弹:老年人因备受瞩目的袭击而被捕。这六个设备于去年年底被送往包括总理在内的备受瞩目的目标。 | Spain letter bombs: Elderly man arrested over high-profile attacks. The six devices were sent to high-profile targets late last year, including the prime minister. |
日本寻找传真对学校炸弹威胁的人。这些威胁针对全国数百所学校,并促使仓促关闭。 | Japan hunts for person who faxed bomb threats to schools. The threats targeted hundreds of schools across the country and prompted hasty closures. |
乌克兰战争:Zelensky敦促快速交付西方坦克。乌克兰总统说,现代战斗车必须迅速提供,并大量提供。 | Ukraine war: Zelensky urges speedy delivery of Western tanks. Ukraine's president says the modern fighting vehicles must be supplied quickly and in significant numbers. |
共和国日:印度通过五颜六色的游行庆祝。印度庆祝共和国日 - 宪法生效的那一天 - 带有巨大的奇观。 | Republic Day: India celebrates with colourful parade. India celebrates Republic Day - the day its constitution came into effect - with a grand spectacle. |
朱利安·桑兹(Julian Sands):加利福尼亚州失踪的演员的新空中搜索。装有可以检测反射材料甚至信用卡的设备的直升机正在使用。 | Julian Sands: New air search for actor missing in California. A helicopter fitted with a device which can detect reflective material and even credit cards is being used. |
现场音乐:如何购买音乐会门票更好。音乐会可能会很肯定。购买门票恰恰相反。这是八种可能的解决方案。 | Live music: How buying concert tickets could be made better. Concerts can be life-affirming. Buying tickets is the opposite. Here are eight possible solutions. |
直布罗陀在脱欧后的困境中挣扎。随着对未来的谈判简历,英国海外领土对其主权和边界的担忧。 | Gibraltar struggles with post-Brexit limbo. As talks resume on its future, the British overseas territory fears for its sovereignty and border. |
基于订阅的自行车租赁计划。越来越多的人选择在很长一段时间内租用自行车。 | Subscription-based bike hire schemes on a roll. A growing number of people are choosing to hire a bicycle over a long period of time. |
这些岩石真的可以为灯泡供电吗?不,专家说。具有明显电气特性的矿物质的病毒视频并不是它们的样子。 | Can these rocks really power light bulbs? No, say the experts. Viral videos of minerals with apparent electrical properties are not what they seem. |
英国可以与我们一起陷入绿色贸易战吗?地球和全球经济的未来与潜在风险的地缘政治游戏联系在一起。 | Could UK be drawn into a green trade war with US?. The future of the planet and the global economy are entwined in a potentially risky geopolitical game. |
January 26, 2023
中文 (Chinese) - English : 西班牙字母炸弹:老年人因备受瞩目的袭击而被捕。这六个设备于去年年底被送往包括总理在内的备受瞩目的目标 - Spain letter bombs: Elderly man arrested over high...
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