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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 乌克兰战争:基辅要求坦克捐款时会见的盟友。会谈将集中在军事援助上,并承受对德国主持人允许乌克兰豹子坦 - Ukraine war: Allies to meet as Kyiv requests tank ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 20, 2023

中文 (Chinese) - English : 乌克兰战争:基辅要求坦克捐款时会见的盟友。会谈将集中在军事援助上,并承受对德国主持人允许乌克兰豹子坦 - Ukraine war: Allies to meet as Kyiv requests tank ...

中文 (Chinese) English
乌克兰战争:基辅要求坦克捐款时会见的盟友。会谈将集中在军事援助上,并承受对德国主持人允许乌克兰豹子坦克的压力。Ukraine war: Allies to meet as Kyiv requests tank donations. Talks will focus on military aid, with pressure on host Germany to allow Ukraine its Leopard tanks.
Jacinda Ardern:新西兰总理说,对辞职的决定并不后悔。新西兰的领导人说,当她的政党准备巩固继任者时,她有一种"宽慰"。Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand PM says no regrets over decision to step down. New Zealand's leader says she has a "sense of relief" as her party prepares to anoint a successor.
FAA中断:美国航空公司监管机构将承包商归咎于旅行混乱。美国航空公司监管机构说,承包商负责延迟和取消数千架航班。FAA outage: US airline regulators blame contractor for travel chaos. The US airline regulator says a contractor is responsible for delaying and cancelling thousands of flights.
澳大利亚的" Toadzilla":在昆士兰州发现的纪录的甘蔗蟾蜍。体重为2.7公斤的甘蔗蟾蜍是平均标本的六倍。Australia's 'Toadzilla': Record-breaking cane toad found in Queensland. The cane toad, weighing in at 2.7kg, is six times bigger than the average specimen.
沙鲁克·汗(Shah Rukh Khan)的Pathaan:宝莱坞(Bollywood)的"红心之王"(King of Hearts)的目标是史诗般的复出。 Shah Rukh Khan在休假四年后,在类似詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)的间谍pathaan中返回。Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan: Bollywood's 'king of hearts' aims for epic comeback. Shah Rukh Khan returns in a James Bond-like spy-thriller Pathaan after a four-year hiatus.
使柴油发动机在氢气上运行的竞赛。据澳大利亚研究人员称,普通柴油卡车可以转换为氢柴油混合物。The race to make diesel engines run on hydrogen. Ordinary diesel trucks could be converted to a hydrogen-diesel mix, according to researchers in Australia.
非洲一周在图片中:2023年1月13日至19日。本周从非洲各地的最佳照片选择。Africa's week in pictures: 13-19 January 2023. A selection of the best photos from across Africa this week.
美国摇滚传奇人物大卫·克罗斯比(David Crosby)死于81岁。克罗斯比(Crosby)共同创立了伯德(Byrds)和克罗斯比(Crosby),斯蒂尔斯(Stills)和纳什(Nash),已经病了一段时间。US rock legend David Crosby dies aged 81. Crosby, who co-founded both the Byrds and Crosby, Stills and Nash, had been ill for some time.
加利福尼亚风暴非常适合葡萄酒。经过多年的干旱,葡萄园从几周的降雨中得到了急需的水注入。The California storms were great for wine. After years of drought, vineyards got a much-needed infusion of water from weeks of torrential rain.
乌克兰战争:塞尔维亚对瓦格纳雇佣军招募俄罗斯的骚动。俄罗斯新闻视频显示,塞尔维亚人正在接受训练在乌克兰战斗的训练,促使贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)愤怒。Ukraine war: Serbia uproar over Wagner mercenaries recruiting for Russia. A Russian news video showing Serbians being trained to fight in Ukraine prompts fury in Belgrade.

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