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乌克兰战争:巴赫穆特捍卫者对西方坦克的呼吁。前线乌克兰人要求数百个现代坦克,因为西方辩论新的交付。 | Ukraine war: Bakhmut defenders plea for Western tanks. Ukrainians on the front lines call for hundreds of modern tanks, as the West debates new deliveries. |
自1961年以来,中国的人口首次下降。出生率下降到每1000名妇女的6.77分 - 是有史以来最低的。 | China's population falls for first time since 1961. The birth rate fell to 6.77 births per 1,000 women - the lowest it has ever been. |
BBC Komla Dumor奖2023启动。英国广播公司(BBC)正在寻求BBC新闻Komla Dumor奖2023年的非洲新闻明星。 | BBC Komla Dumor Award 2023 launched. The BBC is seeking a future star of African journalism for the BBC News Komla Dumor Award 2023. |
Co-Pilot的丈夫也在2006年的飞机失事中去世。 Anju Khatiwada撞上了Pokhara附近的峡谷时,正共同挑选Yeti Airlines的航班。 | Co-pilot's husband also died in 2006 plane crash. Anju Khatiwada was co-piloting the Yeti Airlines flight when it smashed into a gorge near Pokhara. |
澳大利亚公开禁止俄罗斯和白俄罗斯旗帜。组织者宣布将在法庭事件发生后立即禁止旗帜。 | Australian Open bans Russian and Belarusian flags from tournament. Organisers announced the flags would be banned, effective immediately, after a courtside incident. |
巴西国会:1月8日骚乱中被起诉的数十人。 1月8日,有39人被指控试图在暴力行为中废除民主。 | Brazil Congress: Dozens indicted over 8 January riot. Thirty-nine people are accused of trying to abolish democracy in the violence on 8 January. |
肥料巨头亚拉(Yara)的老板说,普京正在武器化食物。亚拉的老板说,俄罗斯入侵乌克兰已推动了肥料和食物的价格。 | Putin is weaponising food, says boss of fertiliser giant Yara. The boss of Yara says Russia's invasion of Ukraine has driven up the price of fertilisers and food. |
工业间谍活动:中国如何潜入美国的技术秘密。商业间谍活动的真实程度尚不清楚,但专家说这是"普遍的"。 | Industrial espionage: How China sneaks out America's technology secrets. The true extent of commercial spying is unknown but experts say it is "pervasive". |
英国广播公司早餐:四十年清晨的泡沫。回顾一下英国广播公司(BBC)早晨新闻节目历史上的一些意外有趣的时刻。 | BBC Breakfast: Forty years of early morning bloopers. A look back at some of the unexpected funny moments in the history of the BBC's morning news programme. |
安德鲁·泰特(Andrew Tate)向他的追随者保证了什么?作为人口贩运和强奸调查的一部分,有争议的影响者在罗马尼亚被拘留。 | What does Andrew Tate promise his followers?. The controversial influencer has been detained in Romania as part of a human trafficking and rape investigation. |