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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 法国的养老金抗议活动:垃圾和电子示威者的土丘着火了。反对马克龙养老金改革的抗议者在经过两周的垃圾罢工 - France pension protests: Mounds of rubbish and e-s... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 24, 2023

中文 (Chinese) - English : 法国的养老金抗议活动:垃圾和电子示威者的土丘着火了。反对马克龙养老金改革的抗议者在经过两周的垃圾罢工 - France pension protests: Mounds of rubbish and e-s...

中文 (Chinese) English
法国的养老金抗议活动:垃圾和电子示威者的土丘着火了。反对马克龙养老金改革的抗议者在经过两周的垃圾罢工之后,垃圾起了垃圾。France pension protests: Mounds of rubbish and e-scooters set on fire. Protesters against Macron's pension reform set rubbish alight after two weeks of bin strikes.
Freddie Flintoff事故发生后,顶级装备拍摄停止了。英国广播公司(BBC)表示,恢复到现在的电视节目的新系列"不合适"。Top Gear filming halted after Freddie Flintoff accident. The BBC said it would be "inappropriate" to resume making the popular TV show's new series for now.
乌克兰战争:俄罗斯儿童的图纸如何引发警方调查。现年12岁的马沙(Masha)现在在俄罗斯当局将父亲逮捕之后,现在在儿童住宅中。Ukraine war: How a Russian child's drawing sparked a police investigation. Masha, 12, is now in a children's home after Russian authorities placed her father under house arrest.
金正恩(Kim Jong Un)负责推出具有核能力的水下无人机 - 州媒体。分析人士说,朝鲜的说法可能会引起"放射性海啸",应怀疑。Kim Jong Un oversees launch of nuclear-capable underwater drone - state media. Analysts say North Korea's claim it can cause a "radioactive tsunami" should be viewed with scepticism.
犹他州是美国第一个限制青少年社交媒体访问的州。其中一项账单将使父母完全访问孩子的在线私人消息。Utah is first US state to limit teen social media access. One of the bills will give parents full access to their children's online private messages.
克劳德·洛里乌斯(Claude Lorius):开创法国气候变化的科学家去年91岁。他对南极洲的探险有助于证明人类负责全球变暖。Claude Lorius: Pioneering French climate change scientist dies aged 91. His expeditions to Antarctica helped prove that humans were responsible for global warming.
美国和加拿大涉及拒绝寻求庇护者的协议。此举是限制纽约和魁北克之间过境点的努力的一部分。US and Canada reach deal to reject asylum seekers. The move is part of efforts to limit a surge of border crossings between New York and Quebec.
Tiktok首席执行官Shou Zi Chew的国会对决:五个关键时刻。科技高管在国会前没有轻松骑车,但是Shou Zi Chew的听证会异常受伤。TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew's Congress showdown: Five key moments. Tech executives don't get an easy ride before Congress, but Shou Zi Chew's hearing was exceptionally bruising.
澳大利亚有一个" Pokies"的赌博问题,但变化即将来临?该国是世界上五分之一的老虎机(当地被称为" Pokies")的地方。Australia has a 'pokies' gambling problem, but is change coming?. The country is controversially home to a fifth of the world's slot machines, known locally as "pokies".
什么是堕胎药,可以禁止使用?他们已成为美国在堕胎方面的新领域,但他们的未来处于危险之中。What are abortion pills and could they be banned?. They have become the new frontier in the US battle over abortion access but their future is at risk.

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