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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 英特尔联合创始人兼摩尔定律的创建者戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)逝世94岁。摩尔先生著名地预 - Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder and creator of Moor... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

March 25, 2023

中文 (Chinese) - English : 英特尔联合创始人兼摩尔定律的创建者戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)逝世94岁。摩尔先生著名地预 - Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder and creator of Moor...

中文 (Chinese) English
英特尔联合创始人兼摩尔定律的创建者戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)逝世94岁。摩尔先生著名地预测,计算机处理能力将每两年翻一番。Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder and creator of Moore's Law, dies aged 94. Mr Moore famously predicted that computer processing power would double every two years.
格温妮丝·帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)作证时,法庭上的戏剧。从下巴的评论到有关泰勒·斯威夫特的问题,帕特洛的法庭证词并不害羞。Drama in the courtroom as Gwyneth Paltrow testifies. From jaw dropping comments to questions about Taylor Swift, Paltrow's court testimony wasn't shy of drama.
校长被解雇后佛罗里达州的学生展示了米开朗基罗雕像。一位父母抱怨米开朗基罗的标志性雕像等于色情。Principal fired after Florida students shown Michelangelo statue. One parent complained Michelangelo's iconic statue amounted to pornography.
我们是否找到了Covid的"动物起源"?科学家说,在收集三年后,中国发布的遗传数据提供了大流行如何开始的"最佳证据"。Have we found the 'animal origin' of Covid?. Genetic data released by China three years after it was gathered has provided 'the best evidence' of how the pandemic started, scientists say.
安哥拉1977年的大屠杀:大规模杀戮的孤儿的悲剧性扭曲。政府说,它发现了父母的遗体,但其他研究提出了新的问题。Angola's 1977 massacre: Tragic twist for orphans of mass killings. The government said it had found their parents' remains but other research raised fresh questions.
Guo Wengui:中国大亨如何建造一台亲特朗普的机器。 Guo Wengui被指控策划了十亿美元的欺诈行为。他的追随者告诉英国广播公司的故事。Guo Wengui: How a Chinese tycoon built a pro-Trump money machine. Guo Wengui is accused of masterminding a billion-dollar fraud. His followers tell the BBC their stories.
图片中的一周:2023年3月18日至24日。在过去七天中拍摄的来自世界各地的醒目图像。Week in pictures: 18-24 March 2023. A selection of striking images from around the world, taken in the past seven days.
梵蒂冈将Parthenon雕塑返回希腊。希腊文化部长说,她希望他们的回归将树立其他机构遵循的榜样。Vatican returns Parthenon sculptures to Greece. The Greek culture minister said she hopes their return will set an example for other institutions to follow.
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的"步行"时刻在60秒内解释了。如果前美国总统必须上交他的法院条目?Donald Trump and his 'perp walk' moment explained in 60 seconds. How will the former US President handle his courthouse entry if he has to turn himself in?
得克萨斯州韦科:唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在致命对峙周年纪念日集会。得克萨斯州韦科(Waco)是1993年美国政府与"上帝军队"之间致命对峙的地点。Waco, Texas: Donald Trump rallies on anniversary of deadly standoff. Waco, Texas, was the site of a deadly standoff in 1993 between the US government and an "Army of God".

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