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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)说,如果再次当选,则更多的中国征收关税。前总统说,如果他赢 - More China tariffs if re-elected, Donald Trump say... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

February 05, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : 唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)说,如果再次当选,则更多的中国征收关税。前总统说,如果他赢 - More China tariffs if re-elected, Donald Trump say...

中文 (Chinese) English
唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)说,如果再次当选,则更多的中国征收关税。前总统说,如果他赢得选举,他将征收可能高于60%的关税。More China tariffs if re-elected, Donald Trump says. The ex-president says he will impose tariffs that could be higher than 60% if he wins the election.
杨亨琼(Yang Hengjun):澳大利亚作家在中国判处死刑。杨亨琼在2019年中国旅行中被捕,并被指控间谍。Yang Hengjun: Australian writer given suspended death sentence in China. Yang Hengjun was arrested on a 2019 trip to China and accused of spying.
改变澳大利亚的土著领导人去世。 Lowitja O'Donoghue一生都在倡导原住民的权利和认可。Indigenous leader who changed Australia dies. Lowitja O'Donoghue spent her life advocating for the rights and recognition of First Nations people.
格莱美2024年:泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)获得了最佳专辑奖的历史。这位超级巨星成为第一位四次赢得年度专辑奖的表演者。Grammys 2024: Taylor Swift makes history with best album award. The superstar becomes the first performer to win the prize for album of the year four times.
埃尔·萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)总统布克利(Bukele)宣称选举胜利。纳伊布·布克尔(Nayib Bukele)领导了对街头犯罪的镇压,他说他已再次当选。El Salvador's President Bukele claims election victory. Nayib Bukele, who has led a crackdown on street crime, says he has been re-elected.
巨大的原子 - 杀手竞标发现缺少95%的宇宙。研究人员想要一个新的,更大的超级收费者,但值得我们支付170亿英镑的价格吗?Huge atom-smasher bid to find missing 95% of Universe. Researchers want a new, much bigger supercollider but is it worth us paying the £17bn price tag?
观看:巴基斯坦妇女如何在这次选举中创造历史。 Rehana Magsi是有史以来第一个在Bal路支省举行选举的女性。Watch: How a Pakistani woman is making history this election. Rehana Magsi is the first woman to ever contest an election in Balochistan province.
Universal Studios UK:主题公园是否来Stewartby?一个主要的新主题公园对贝德福德郡村庄及其1200名居民意味着什么?Universal Studios UK: Is a theme park coming to Stewartby?. What might a major new theme park mean for a Bedfordshire village and its 1,200 inhabitants?
家庭生活:妈妈拒绝社交媒体的完美。五十五岁的杰西卡·海姆斯·甘特(Jessica Hymus-Gant)分享了家庭生活中的美好现实和" grotty"现实。Family life: Mum rejects social media perfection for mayhem. Mum-of-five Jessica Hymus-Gant shares the good as well as the "grotty" reality of family life.
美国在也门对霍蒂斯发动了更多罢工。随之而来的是警告说,对伊拉克和叙利亚的伊朗支持的目标的罢工只是"起点"。US launches more strikes against Houthis in Yemen. It follows warnings that strikes on Iran-backed targets in Iraq and Syria were just 'the beginning'.

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