中文 (Chinese) | English |
风暴米格尔打法国海岸留下三个救援人员死亡。他们的救助艇在高达129公里每小时(80英里)的风海推翻。 | Storm Miguel hits French coast leaving three rescuers dead. Their rescue boat overturned in the sea in winds of up to 129km/h (80 mph). |
地中海塑料污染的热点在报告中强调。一份新的报告名称9米的海岸线,包括顶级旅游景点,其中污染是在最坏的情况。 | Mediterranean plastic pollution hotspots highlighted in report. A new report names nine coastlines, including top tourist spots, where contamination is at its worst. |
大西洋编辑器的"性别歧视"采访时批评。杰弗里·戈德堡捍卫他的意见,只有"白人男性"的记者可以写杂志的特点。 | The Atlantic editor's 'sexist' interview criticised. Jeffrey Goldberg defends his comments that only "white male" journalists can write magazine features. |
风暴在米格尔章鼬自助餐法国海岸。高达129公里/小时(80英里)的之风分别记为风暴米格尔打法国西部海岸。 | Storm Miguel buffets French coast at Cap Ferret. Winds of up to 129 km/h (80 mph) were recorded as Storm Miguel hit the coast of western France. |
登上美国军舰亚伯拉罕·林肯在阿拉伯海。美国加强军事存在的中东下面,它说的是伊朗对美国利益的威胁,"可靠情报"。 | Aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln in the Arabian Sea. America has increased its military presence in the Middle East following, what it says is, 'credible intelligence' of a threat to US interests from Iran. |
哥伦拜恩拍摄:区建议拆除学校。杰斐逊县学区要结束了"病态的迷恋"与校园枪击案。 | Columbine shooting: District suggests tearing down school. Jefferson County School District wants to end the "morbid fascination" with the school shooting. |
俄罗斯和美国军舰几乎相撞东中国海。该USS切斯劳维尔和维诺格拉多夫海军上将差点在西太平洋的冲突。 | Russian and US warships almost collide in East China Sea. The USS Chancellorsville and the Admiral Vinogradov came close to collision in the western Pacific. |
中国社交媒体:微信和监视状态。张贴照片后,如何一个BBC记者锁定了中国最大的即时通讯应用的。 | China social media: WeChat and the Surveillance State. How one BBC correspondent was locked out of China's top messaging app after posting photos. |
凡在利比里亚的失踪百万?利比里亚人生气国家资金的明显消失 - ,他们要求的答案。 | Where are Liberia's missing millions?. Liberians are angry about the apparent disappearance of state funds - and are demanding answers. |
内马尔给出说法在巴西警察强奸之中指控。巴西足球运动员访问在里约热内卢警察局一名女子后,在巴黎被控强奸他。 | Neymar gives statement to police in Brazil amid rape allegation. The Brazil footballer visits a police station in Rio after a woman accused him of rape in Paris. |
June 07, 2019
中文 (Chinese) - English : 风暴米格尔打法国海岸留下三个救援人员死亡。他们的救助艇在高达129公里每小时(80英里)的风海推翻。 - Storm Miguel hits French coast leaving three rescu...
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