中文 (Chinese) | English |
奥斯卡首先为美国本土演员韦斯·斯塔迪。莫希干人的演员最后是与奥斯卡兑现第一个美国本土演员。 | Oscar first for Native American actor Wes Studi. The Last of the Mohicans actor is the first Native American actor to be honoured with an Oscar. |
金正恩批评的大众游戏"错误的精神"。作为与美国谈判摊位,朝鲜似乎正在准备更大的意识形态隔离。 | Kim Jong-un criticises 'wrong spirit' of mass games. As talks with the US stall, the North appears to be preparing for greater ideological isolation. |
达尔文射击:四在澳大利亚北部打死。之后几个人在北部城市达尔文的枪杀一名男子被逮捕,警方说。 | Darwin shooting: Four killed in northern Australia. A man is arrested after several people are shot dead in the northern city of Darwin, police say. |
意大利的朱塞佩·孔蒂告诉民粹主义领导人:"别打了,不然我就不干"。朱塞佩·孔蒂警告该国两个执政党,如果他们不能停止争吵,他将辞职。 | Italy's Giuseppe Conte tells populist leaders: 'Stop fighting or I'll quit'. Giuseppe Conte warns the country's two ruling parties he will resign if they cannot stop squabbling. |
火种面临着俄罗斯的需求,分享用户数据。俄罗斯当局告诉约会应用程序内符合要求交出的消息和照片。 | Tinder faces Russian demand to share user data. Russian authorities tell the dating-app to comply with requests to hand over messages and photos. |
墨西哥城下降特定性别的校服。现在就读公立学校女生被允许穿长裤和男孩可以选择穿裙子。 | Mexico City drops gender-specific school uniforms. Girls attending state schools are now allowed to wear trousers and boys can choose to wear skirts. |
危害!:詹姆斯Holzhauer的连胜结束缺钱纪录。詹姆斯Holzhauer来只是短暂的危害的所有时间金钱纪录!在32游戏运行。 | Jeopardy!: James Holzhauer's winning streak ends short of money record. James Holzhauer came just short of the all-time money record on Jeopardy! in a 32-game run. |
特朗普的英国国事访问:美国媒体对第一天的判决。美国媒体给出了其在唐纳德·特朗普的国事访问英国的第一天判决。 | Trump's UK state visit: US media's verdict on first day. The US press gives its verdict on the first day of Donald Trump's state visit to the UK. |
天安门:中国责备的抗议活动30周年旁派。美国国务秘书呼吁中国说,很多人在1989年镇压是怎么死的。 | Tiananmen: China rebukes Pompeo on 30th anniversary of protests. The US Secretary of State had called on China to say how many people died in the 1989 crackdown. |
德里地铁:将免费公共交通让女性更安全?新德里首席部长阿尔文·凯杰里沃尔的计划火花在公共交通工具和妇女安全的辩论。 | Delhi metro: Will free public transport make women safer?. Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal's plan sparks a debate on public transport and women's safety. |
June 04, 2019
中文 (Chinese) - English : 奥斯卡首先为美国本土演员韦斯·斯塔迪。莫希干人的演员最后是与奥斯卡兑现第一个美国本土演员。 - Oscar first for Native American actor Wes Studi. T...
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