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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 希腊地震:强大的震颤抖动雅典。这次地震,5.1级注册,在希腊首都部分地区淘汰电信和电力。 - Greek earthquake: Powerful tremor shakes Athens. T... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

July 19, 2019

中文 (Chinese) - English : 希腊地震:强大的震颤抖动雅典。这次地震,5.1级注册,在希腊首都部分地区淘汰电信和电力。 - Greek earthquake: Powerful tremor shakes Athens. T...

中文 (Chinese) English
希腊地震:强大的震颤抖动雅典。这次地震,5.1级注册,在希腊首都部分地区淘汰电信和电力。Greek earthquake: Powerful tremor shakes Athens. The earthquake, registered at 5.1 magnitude, knocked out telecoms and power in parts of the Greek capital.
男子获刑果阿杀害英国小将。参孙杜泽被发现犯了"不构成谋杀谋杀"由印度法院。Man jailed for killing UK teenager in Goa. Samson D'Souza was found guilty of "culpable homicide not amounting to murder" by an Indian court.
法国科幻队叫上预测未来的威胁。 "红队"将被用来想象未来的军事威胁 - 以及如何如何防止它们。French sci-fi team called on to predict future threats. The "red team" will be employed to imagine future military threats – and how how to prevent them.
厄立特里亚东正教教堂前领导人驱逐异端。六个厄立特里亚东正教主教说,前元老安东尼奥斯的名字"不应该被提及。"Eritrea Orthodox Church ex-leader expelled for heresy. Six Eritrea Orthodox bishops say the name of former patriarch Antonios "should never be mentioned".
京都动画火工作室大火后,警方名犯罪嫌疑人。真嗣青叶涉嫌故意火起,并在警方拘留在医院。Kyoto Animation fire: Police name suspect after studio blaze. Shinji Aoba is suspected of deliberately starting the fire, and is in police custody at hospital.
南非前总统雅各布·祖马逆转贪污调查过程中。南非前总统雅各布·祖马同意给进一步证明,撤回退出较早的威胁。South Africa's ex-president Jacob Zuma reverses course on corruption inquiry. South Africa's ex-president Jacob Zuma agrees to give further testimony, withdrawing an earlier threat to pull out.
斯雷布雷尼察大屠杀:荷兰部队'10%责任"斯雷布雷尼察死亡。最高法院说,来自荷兰的维和士兵是部分归咎于350个杀戮。Srebrenica massacre: Dutch troops '10% liable' for Srebrenica deaths. The supreme court says peacekeeping soldiers from the Netherlands are partly to blame for 350 killings.
印度水灾:厌倦了老虎打盹需要在居民的床上。老虎栖身的房子,洪水在印度阿萨姆邦肆虐卡齐兰加国家公园。India floods: Tired tiger takes nap in resident's bed. The tiger found shelter in a house as floods ravage the Kaziranga National Park in India's Assam state.
尽快洛基:瑞典监狱请求更多时间来调查攻击。说唱歌手已被拘留了涉嫌殴打在过去的两个星期。ASAP Rocky: Swedish jail requests more time to investigate assault. The rapper has been detained over alleged assault for the last two weeks.
Kulbhushan贾达夫:巴基斯坦允许"印度间谍"领事探视。伊斯兰堡表示,将允许印度官员会晤Kulbhushan贾达夫谁已被定罪间谍活动。Kulbhushan Jadhav: Pakistan to allow consular access to 'Indian spy'. Islamabad says it will allow Indian officials to meet Kulbhushan Jadhav who has been convicted of spying.

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