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刚捣门后入室行窃法国大教堂。贼偷金器等珍品从西班牙边境附近的一个12世纪的大教堂。 | Gang burgle French cathedral after ramming door. Thieves steal gold objects and other treasures from a 12th Century cathedral near the Spanish border. |
伊拉克动荡:抗议者袭击伊朗驻卡尔巴拉。至少3人在圣城领事馆外抗议时被枪杀。 | Iraq unrest: Protesters attack Iranian consulate in Karbala. At least three people were shot dead during a protest outside the consulate in the holy city. |
同性恋转换疗法"禁止在起草法律在德国。一项法律草案旨在全国范围内禁止在大多数情况下,有争议的做法,德国媒体报道。 | Gay conversion therapy' ban drafted in law in Germany. A draft law aims to ban the controversial practice in most cases nationwide, German media report. |
AFD后愤怒不屑混血女孩玩"圣婴"。 Benigna Munsi,一个混血少女,被选为在纽伦堡的传统圣诞礼品使者。 | Outrage after AfD scorn mixed-race girl playing 'Christ Child'. Benigna Munsi, a mixed-race teen, was chosen as the traditional Christmas gift-bringer in Nuremberg. |
海盗绑架9从挪威船离贝宁。他们登上船,而这是在几内亚,盗版热点的海湾锚。 | Pirates kidnap nine from Norwegian ship off Benin. They boarded the vessel while it was at anchor in the Gulf of Guinea, a hotspot for piracy. |
二战中难得的团聚与希腊救援犹太幸存者。 Melpomeni迪娜帮助隐瞒纳粹六位亲人成员1941-1944。 | WW2 Jewish survivors in rare reunion with Greek rescuer. Melpomeni Dina helped hide six family members from the Nazis in 1941-1944. |
沃尔特·梅尔卡多:数以百万计崇拜华丽电视占星家死亡。拉丁裔图标沃尔特·梅尔卡多达到120万人次,每天 - 经常一边穿着紧身斗篷。 | Walter Mercado: Flamboyant TV astrologer adored by millions dies. Latino icon Walter Mercado reached 120 million people a day - often while wearing a sequinned cape. |
澳大利亚干旱:农民和家庭欢乐在雨中。一系列在上周末的暴雨在澳大利亚带来了急需的宽慰和喜悦给农民。 | Australian drought: Farmers and families rejoice in the rain. A series of rainstorms over the weekend brought much-needed relief and joy to farmers in Australia. |
汉密尔顿赢得第六个F1世界锦标赛在美国大奖赛。刘易斯·汉密尔顿成为有史以来在美国GP声称第六个世界冠军后的第二个最成功的F1车手。 | Lewis Hamilton wins sixth F1 World Championship at United States Grand Prix. Lewis Hamilton becomes the second most successful Formula 1 driver of all time after claiming sixth world title at United States GP. |
瑜伽教师冒着严重的髋关节的问题"。推自己的身体,重复同样的瑜伽位置是导致教师之间在髋关节的问题上升,领先的队医警告。 | Yoga teachers 'risking serious hip problems'. Pushing their bodies to repeat the same yoga positions is leading to a rise in hip problems among teachers, a leading physio warns. |