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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 乔治·弗洛伊德:悼念者瞻仰他的纪念。成群的人在那里,他是在明尼阿波利斯被杀现场瞻仰乔治·弗洛伊德。 - George Floyd: Mourners pay respects at his memoria... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

June 05, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 乔治·弗洛伊德:悼念者瞻仰他的纪念。成群的人在那里,他是在明尼阿波利斯被杀现场瞻仰乔治·弗洛伊德。 - George Floyd: Mourners pay respects at his memoria...

中文 (Chinese) English
乔治·弗洛伊德:悼念者瞻仰他的纪念。成群的人在那里,他是在明尼阿波利斯被杀现场瞻仰乔治·弗洛伊德。George Floyd: Mourners pay respects at his memorial. Crowds of people paid their respects to George Floyd at the spot where he was killed in Minneapolis.
澳大利亚警方寻求过的冠状病毒在黑色物质生活集会的禁令。成千上万的人聚集在一个地方带来了冠状病毒风险的前景,他们认为。Australian police seek ban on Black Lives Matter rally over coronavirus. The prospect of thousands of people gathering in one place poses a coronavirus risk, they argue.
乔治·弗洛伊德抗议:前高级将领斥责王牌部队的威胁。创马丁·登普西谴责总统的使用军队镇压内乱的威胁。George Floyd protests: Ex-top general rebukes Trump's troops threat. Gen Martin Dempsey denounces the president's threat to use troops to suppress civil unrest.
萨摩亚橄榄球队掀起104天前仍然没有回家。在等待航班恢复,20名选手共同在奥克兰一个单间三​​个月。Samoan rugby team that set off 104 days ago still not home. While waiting for flights to resume, 20 players shared a single room in Auckland for three months.
冠状病毒疫苗:阿斯利康提升潜在供应20亿。巨型的药说,它可以通过比尔·盖茨支持后生产潜在的疫苗的一倍。Coronavirus vaccine: AstraZeneca boosts potential supply to 2bn. The drugs giant says it can double the production of a potential vaccine after backing by Bill Gates.
乔治·弗洛伊德:美国的历史是如何塑造今日的警察暴行。英国广播公司的克莱夫·迈里看的种族主义和警察培训不足有害的组合。George Floyd: How the USA's history has shaped today's police brutality. The BBC's Clive Myrie looks at the toxic combination of racism and inadequate police training.
NBA:迪斯尼世界度假区设定至2020年赛季的主机休息。在NBA新赛季的剩余部分将在7月31日在佛罗里达州的迪斯尼世界度假区举行。NBA: Disney World Resort set to host rest of 2020 season. The remainder of the NBA season will be played at Florida's Disney World Resort from 31 July.
乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡:中国接管美国抗议胜利圈。中国是打在回美国支持香港亲民主示威活动的最后一年。George Floyd death: China takes a victory lap over US protests. China is hitting back at the US for supporting Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrations last year.
冠状病毒:谣言,恐惧和巴基斯坦Covid死亡上升。传言在社会流传意味着许多人都吓得不敢寻求帮助,直到为时已晚。Coronavirus: Rumours, fear and rising Covid deaths in Pakistan. Rumours circulating in the community mean many are too scared to get help until it is too late.
#WeAreTired:尼日利亚妇女站出来说话了暴力浪潮。数以千计的签署请愿书,并使用#WeAreTired抗议最近强奸和杀戮的主题标签。#WeAreTired: Nigerian women speak out over wave of violence. Thousands sign a petition and use the hashtag #WeAreTired to protest against recent rapes and killings.

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