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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 凯特琳·詹纳反对妇女运动是不公平的反式女孩。前奥运选手,谁在2015年来到了作为一个跨性别女性,正在 - Caitlyn Jenner opposes trans girls in women's spor... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

May 02, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : 凯特琳·詹纳反对妇女运动是不公平的反式女孩。前奥运选手,谁在2015年来到了作为一个跨性别女性,正在 - Caitlyn Jenner opposes trans girls in women's spor...

中文 (Chinese) English
凯特琳·詹纳反对妇女运动是不公平的反式女孩。前奥运选手,谁在2015年来到了作为一个跨性别女性,正在竞选加州州长。Caitlyn Jenner opposes trans girls in women's sports as unfair. The former Olympic athlete, who came out as a trans woman in 2015, is running for California governor.
朝鲜指责其核计划奉行敌视政策的拜登。在谴责之际,白宫准备推出其"校准"的方法来朝鲜。North Korea accuses Joe Biden of pursuing hostile policy over its nuclear programme. The denouncement comes as the White House prepares to unveil its "calibrated" approach to North Korea.
手印在古老的玛雅洞穴发现的。在墨西哥的一个洞穴中发现的手印被认为是一个古老的玛雅仪式的一部分。Handprints discovered in ancient Mayan cave. The handprints found in a cave in Mexico are believed to be part of an ancient Mayan ritual.
西班牙的马德里功率的极右Vox的眼睛份额。在西班牙首都一个充满敌意的选举凸显该国的严重分歧的政治。Spain's far-right Vox eye share of power in Madrid. A rancorous election in the Spanish capital highlights the country's deeply divided politics.
家庭餐的形象赢得国际美食摄影大赛。一个家庭准备在中国吃饭的照片赢得了2021年的红粉佳人食物摄影师。Family-meal image wins international food photo contest. A photo of a family preparing a meal in China wins Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2021.
年轻女子试图收养她的朋友。 ARINA希望正式通过她的朋友尼娜,她在Covid流行看着谁。The young woman trying to adopt her friend. Arina hopes to formally adopt her friend Nina, whom she looked during the Covid pandemic.
当时和现在:在沉默下降了维多利亚瀑布。维多利亚瀑布是世界的自然奇观之一,但在2019年,它陷入了沉默。Then and now: When silence descended over Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is one of the natural wonders of the world, yet in 2019, it fell silent.
黎巴嫩复活节饼干困境型,寓意摇摇欲坠的经济。随着人们螺旋的成本,甚至maamoul超出了许多家庭的范围。Lebanon Easter biscuit woes symbolise crumbling economy. With the cost of living spiralling, even maamoul is beyond the reach of many families.
如何"好消息"的故事隐藏的医疗困境。关于寻求克服斗争文章已经由一个研究人员称为"恒心色情"。How 'good news' stories hide healthcare woes. Articles about seeking to overcome struggle have been dubbed "perseverance porn" by one researcher.
为什么非洲国家在人权回中国对抗西方。在非洲大陆需要的国家考虑扰乱一个强大的盟友的财务成本。Why African countries back China against the West on human rights. Countries on the African continent need to consider the financial cost of upsetting a powerful ally.

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