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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : JovenelMośse:海地在总统暗杀后要求外国军队。海地官员希望我们和联合国在动荡中保护国家的主 - Jovenel Moïse: Haiti requests foreign troops after... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

July 10, 2021

中文 (Chinese) - English : JovenelMośse:海地在总统暗杀后要求外国军队。海地官员希望我们和联合国在动荡中保护国家的主 - Jovenel Moïse: Haiti requests foreign troops after...

中文 (Chinese) English
JovenelMośse:海地在总统暗杀后要求外国军队。海地官员希望我们和联合国在动荡中保护国家的主要基础设施。Jovenel Moïse: Haiti requests foreign troops after president's assassination. Haitian officials want US and UN forces to protect key infrastructure in the country in turmoil.
白宫在猎人拜登艺术销售中捍卫角色。顶级道德专家抨击总统儿子拍卖绘画周围的保密。White House defends role in Hunter Biden art sale. A top ethics expert slams the secrecy surrounding the auction of paintings by the president's son.
消防监视:美国森林服务监视观察火灾。在偏远的塔楼中,美国森林服务密景作为森林火灾的预警系统。Fire lookouts: The US Forest Service lookouts watching for fires. In remote towers, US Forest Service lookouts act as an early warning system for forest fires.
Kem Ley:拍摄柬埔寨的射击。柬埔寨政治论家克利·莱伊五年前被谋杀,但他的遗产生活在一起。Kem Ley: A shooting that shook Cambodia. Kem Ley, a Cambodian political commentator, was murdered five years ago, but his legacy lives on.
Covid Origins:科学家们称赞了病毒起源的证据。研究人员旨在"直接设置录制",病毒如何从蝙蝠转移到人类中。Covid origins: Scientists weigh up evidence over virus's origins. Researchers aim to "set the record straight" on how the virus transferred from bats into humans.
SULLI交易:在一个应用程序上销售的印度穆斯林女性。印度数十名穆斯林妇女发现他们的身份被用于降级的应用程序。Sulli Deals: The Indian Muslim women 'up for sale' on an app. Dozens of Muslim women in India found their identities being used in a degrading app.
刚果博士:由于Covid焦点而错过麻疹疫苗。世卫组织向刚果博士等国家的潜在疫情警告潜在爆发,而重点是Covid-19。DR Congo: Measles vaccines missed because of Covid focus. The WHO warns of potential outbreaks in countries like DR Congo, while the focus is on Covid-19.
拜登誓言我们对俄罗斯网络攻击的行动。询问莫斯科是否会对这一系列的黑客产生后果,拜登先生回答说:"是的。"Biden vows US action over Russian cyber-attacks. Asked if Moscow would face consequences for the series of hacks, Mr Biden replied: "Yes."
加利福尼亚州强大的火龙头是最新的天气标志。烟雾和火焰的漩涡是威胁美国西部极端天气的最新迹象之一Powerful fire tornado in California is latest extreme weather sign. The vortex of smoke and flame is one of the latest signs of extreme weather threatening the US West
由于主要植物关闭,黎巴嫩被电力切割击中。黎巴嫩的许多人每天收到两小时的能量,因为它具有经济危机的擒抱。Lebanon struck by power cut as major plants shut down. Many in Lebanon are receiving just two hours of energy a day, as it grapples with an economic crisis.

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