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东京奥运会:第一位运动员在运动员村有科迪德。两位运动员成为东京奥运会运动员村的第一个测试冠心兽阳性 - 在比赛开始前五天。 | Tokyo Olympics: First athletes have Covid at athletes village. Two athletes become the first to test positive for coronavirus at the Tokyo Olympic athletes' village - five days before the start of the Games. |
海地:暗杀总统JovenelMośse的妻子在幸存的袭击后返回。戴着防弹背心,MartineMoïse在美国接受治疗后到来回家。 | Haiti: Wife of assassinated President Jovenel Moïse returns after surviving attack. Wearing a bulletproof vest, Martine Moïse arrives home after receiving treatment in the US. |
纽约妈妈从绑架中拯救了五岁的孩子。在纽约市的广阔日光下,母亲从一辆车上拉了她的儿子。 | Moment New York mum saves five-year-old from kidnap. The mother pulled her son from a car after he was taken from her in broad daylight in the New York City. |
欧洲洪水:受害者面临巨大的清理,因为水位后退。随着洪水拒绝,受影响最严重影响的地区的居民争取从破坏中恢复。 | Europe floods: Victims face massive clean-up as waters recede. Residents of the worst-affected areas struggle to recover from the devastation as flood waters recede. |
在以色列机场等待时Covid-19测试。以色列的Ben Gurion机场推出了旅行者的快速Covid-19测试。 | Covid-19 tests while you wait in Israeli airport. Ben Gurion airport in Israel has introduced fast Covid-19 tests for travellers. |
阿富汗特使的女儿被绑架和受伤在巴基斯坦。阿富汗官员敦促巴基斯坦保持外交官安全,在两个邻居之间的紧张局势中。 | Daughter of Afghan envoy kidnapped and injured in Pakistan. Afghan officials urge Pakistan to keep diplomats safe, amid tensions between the two neighbours. |
百老汇舞者,他们的锁定业务盛开。当Covid封闭纽约剧院时,Dancer Robbie Fairchild开始了一个投放根源的企业。 | The Broadway dancer whose lockdown business bloomed. When Covid closed New York theatres, dancer Robbie Fairchild started a business that put down roots. |
Joshi正在将生活交换为丛林中的新开始。经过一生的囚禁后,Joshi将住在刚果 - 布拉柴维尔的丛林中。 | Joshi is swapping life in captivity for a new start in the jungle. After a lifetime in captivity, Joshi is going to live in the jungle in Congo-Brazzaville. |
拉丁美洲照片:力量与抵抗。加勒比海和拉丁美洲摄影特色在第四届一年一度拉丁美洲照片。 | Latin American Foto Festival: Strength and resistance. Caribbean and Latin American photography features in the fourth Annual Latin American Foto Festival. |
Abir Moussi:被拍打但没有被殴打的突尼斯议员。 Abir Moussi在议会中使用扩音器并获得死亡威胁,但许多人表示她的声音至关重要。 | Abir Moussi: The Tunisian MP who was slapped but not beaten. Abir Moussi uses a megaphone in parliament and gets death threats but many say her voice is crucial. |