中文 (Chinese) | English |
重大火箭袭击后,以色列袭击了黎巴嫩和加沙。以色列的军队说,它已经达到了与巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯有关的目标。 | Israel strikes Lebanon and Gaza after major rocket attack. Israel's military says it has hit targets linked to Palestinian militant group Hamas. |
库里奥:黑帮的天堂说唱歌手死于芬太尼过量的经理。他说,去年9月,音乐家的去世是由于芬太尼和其他药物的影响。 | Coolio: Gangsta's Paradise rapper died of fentanyl overdose - manager. He says the musician's death last September was due to the effects of fentanyl and other drugs. |
日本缺失的军用直升机可能坠入海。在星期四下午,飞机上有10人消失的飞机后,发现了碎片。 | Japan's missing military helicopter likely crashed into sea. Debris has been spotted after the aircraft with 10 people aboard vanished on Thursday afternoon. |
测验本周:肯尼迪的哪个亲戚在挑战拜登?您一直在关注过去七天的情况如何? | Quiz of the week: Which relative of JFK is challenging Biden?. How closely have you been paying attention to what's been going on over the past seven days? |
非洲在图片中的一周:地球,水,叶。从本周和本周以后的各地最好的照片选择。 | Africa's week in pictures: Earth, water, leaf. A selection of the best photos from across Africa and beyond this week. |
一个罗马尼亚家庭致命地试图到达美国。是什么驱使Iordache家族拼命从加拿大到达美国? | One Romanian family's fatal attempt to reach the US. What drove the Iordache family to make a desperate bid to reach the US from Canada? |
田纳西州民主党人因枪支抗议而开除。议员们停止了诉讼,并以反枪支抗议的一部分高呼"对人民的权力"。 | Tennessee Democrat expelled over gun protest. The lawmakers halted proceedings and chanted "power to the people" as part of an anti-gun protest. |
拜登政府指责混乱的阿富汗撤出特朗普。一份报告说,拜登总统"受到严重限制",但暗示撤离本可以很快开始。 | Biden administration blames chaotic Afghan pull-out on Trump. A report says President Biden was "severely constrained", but implies evacuations could have begun sooner. |
随着紧张局势的增加,以色列将哈马斯归咎于黎巴嫩火箭弹。这次袭击看到34枚火箭向以色列北部发射,这是在紧张局势上升的时候。 | Israel blames Hamas for Lebanon rocket barrage as tensions rise. The attack, which saw 34 rockets fired into northern Israel, comes at a time of rising tension. |
乌干达的玛丽·戈雷蒂·吉图图(Mary Goretti Kitutu)将复活节在屋顶表丑闻中度过。 Mary Goretti Kitutu否认参与了针对乌干达社区的屋顶盗窃。 | Uganda's Mary Goretti Kitutu to spend Easter in jail over roofing-sheets scandal. Mary Goretti Kitutu denies involvement in the theft of roofing intended for Ugandan communities. |
April 07, 2023
中文 (Chinese) - English : 重大火箭袭击后,以色列袭击了黎巴嫩和加沙。以色列的军队说,它已经达到了与巴勒斯坦激进组织哈马斯有关的 - Israel strikes Lebanon and Gaza after major rocket...
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