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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 海洋图标:看看世界上最大的游轮。 365m长的海洋图标(1,197英尺)的图标有20张甲板,最多可以 - Icon of the Seas: A look at the world's largest cr... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 28, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : 海洋图标:看看世界上最大的游轮。 365m长的海洋图标(1,197英尺)的图标有20张甲板,最多可以 - Icon of the Seas: A look at the world's largest cr...

中文 (Chinese) English
海洋图标:看看世界上最大的游轮。 365m长的海洋图标(1,197英尺)的图标有20张甲板,最多可以容纳7,600名乘客。Icon of the Seas: A look at the world's largest cruise ship. The 365m-long (1,197 ft) Icon of the Seas has 20 decks and can house a maximum of 7,600 passengers.
乌克兰说,它已经发现了重大的武器腐败。乌克兰的安全部门指责高级官员试图通过迫击炮弹窃取约4000万美元。Ukraine says it has uncovered major arms corruption. Ukraine's security service accuses senior officials of trying to steal about $40m in an order for mortar shells.
据首尔报道,朝鲜向东海岸发射了巡航导弹。在共产党朝鲜进行了几个月的武器测试之后,导弹发射加剧了紧张局势。North Korea fires cruise missiles off east coast, Seoul reports. The missile launch follows months of weapons testing by communist North Korea, raising tensions.
您的照片以"荒野"为主题。来自世界各地读者的精选醒目的图像。Your pictures on the theme of 'wilderness'. A selection of striking images from our readers around the world.
尼日利亚教授赚更多的钱焊接。他震惊了许多同事,他们认为这是一项艰巨的工作,但嫉妒他的收入。The Nigerian professor who makes more money welding. He has shocked many of his colleagues, who regard it as a menial job but are jealous of his income.
意大利网封闭了" Fleximan" - 速度摄像头的警惕驱逐舰。一些被称为" Fleximan"的人给一些意大利人留下了深刻的印象,但意大利的道路死亡率很高。Italian net closes in on 'Fleximan' - vigilante destroyer of speed cameras. Some Italians are impressed by the man dubbed "Fleximan", but Italy has a high rate of road deaths.
谁发明了黄油鸡?法庭争夺奶油菜。黄油鸡 - 世界各地流行的咖喱鸡 - 现在正在印度的一场法庭之战。Who invented butter chicken? Court battle over creamy dish. Butter chicken - a curry popular around the world - is now in the middle of a court battle in India.
美容巨头雅芳(Avon)在俄罗斯链接上大火。该公司正面临着持续生产和招募俄罗斯新销售代理商的批评。Beauty giant Avon under fire over Russia links. The firm is facing criticism for continuing production and recruiting new sales agents in Russia.
秘密教派的前官员承认儿童性虐待。据称的受害者说,掠食者在被称为真理的基督教教堂里没有受到惩罚。Ex-minister of secretive sect admits to child sex abuse. Alleged victims say predators have gone unpunished for decades in Christian church known as The Truth.
OneFour:钻探音乐开拓者如何分裂澳大利亚。嘻哈法与执法部门之间的僵持正在加剧有关艺术和审查制度的全国性辩论。OneFour: How drill music trailblazers have divided Australia. A standoff between a hip-hop act and law enforcement is fuelling a nationwide debate over art and censorship.

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