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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : BI-2:俄罗斯反战乐队在泰国面孔被驱逐出境。激进分子警告说,反战乐队正在巡回泰国,可以被驱逐回俄罗 - Bi-2: Russia anti-war band arrested in Thailand fa... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

January 30, 2024

中文 (Chinese) - English : BI-2:俄罗斯反战乐队在泰国面孔被驱逐出境。激进分子警告说,反战乐队正在巡回泰国,可以被驱逐回俄罗 - Bi-2: Russia anti-war band arrested in Thailand fa...

中文 (Chinese) English
BI-2:俄罗斯反战乐队在泰国面孔被驱逐出境。激进分子警告说,反战乐队正在巡回泰国,可以被驱逐回俄罗斯。Bi-2: Russia anti-war band arrested in Thailand faces deportation. The anti-war band was touring Thailand and could be deported back to Russia, activists warn.
日本:外国出生的居民起诉政府涉嫌种族剖析。这三个人说,根据他们的出现,他们因反复的警察询问而感到困扰。Japan: Foreign-born residents sue government for alleged racial profiling. The three men say they have suffered distress from repeated police questioning based on their appearances.
ECOWAS:尼日利亚斥责退出区域集团的国家。它指责马里,布基纳法索和尼日尔的军事统治者没有真诚地行事。Ecowas: Nigeria rebukes states for quitting regional bloc. It accuses the military rulers of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger of not acting in good faith.
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)宣布首先是神经无线脑芯片植入物。该公司希望此类芯片最终可以与大脑合作,以帮助解决复杂的医疗状况。Elon Musk announces first Neuralink wireless brain chip implant. The company hopes that such chips can eventually work with the brain to help tackle complex medical conditions.
美国在创纪录的一年中出售2380亿美元的武器。随着俄罗斯对乌克兰的入侵激发了需求,美国政府谈判的销售额为56%。US sells $238bn of weapons abroad in record year. Sales negotiated by the US government spiked 56%, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine stoked demand.
丰田回想起50,000辆美国汽车,因为安全气囊"受伤或死亡"的恐惧。这家汽车行业巨头警告说,高田安全气囊充气器可能会爆炸并杀死人。Toyota recalls 50,000 US vehicles over airbag 'injury or death' fears. The motor industry giant has warned that Takata airbag inflators could explode and kill people.
以色列加沙战争:计算宗教遗址的破坏。在冲突中,世界上一些最古老的教堂和清真寺已被彻底摧毁。Israel-Gaza war: Counting the destruction of religious sites. Some of the world's oldest churches and mosques have been completely destroyed in the conflict.
除了瓦砾:乌克兰破碎的幽灵镇Avdiivka。经过几个月的阿夫迪夫卡(Avdiivka)战斗,居民报告说,俄罗斯军队进入了该镇。Nothing but rubble: Ukraine's shattered ghost town Avdiivka. After months of fighting in Avdiivka, residents are reporting that Russian troops have entered the town.
Pep Guardiola,Jose Mourinho和游戏改变了一切。瓜迪奥拉是一名教练新手。巴塞罗那是什么说服他们拒绝穆里尼奥并给他最大的工作之一?Pep Guardiola, Jose Mourinho and the game that changed everything. Pep Guardiola was a coaching novice. What did Barcelona see to convince them to turn down Jose Mourinho and give him one of the biggest jobs in the game?
肯尼亚ETA:鲁托总统对无签证入场的愿景对某些人来说是棘手的。威廉·鲁托(William Ruto)总统放松旅行的承诺意味着一些非洲游客的新费用。Kenya ETA: President Ruto's vision of visa-free entry proves tricky for some. President William Ruto's pledge to ease travel has meant fresh costs for some African visitors.

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