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联合国说,英国军事岛不适合移民。在寻求庇护者降落两年后,联合国官员被授予迭戈·加西亚的机会。 | UK military island not suitable for migrants, UN says. UN officials have been granted access to Diego Garcia two years after asylum seekers landed there. |
Vadodara船事故:印度学童"没有给予救生衣"。在印度古吉拉特邦(Gujarat State)在印度的古吉拉特邦(Gujarat State)批准船只后死亡的学生的父母指控当局过失。 | Vadodara boat accident: India schoolchildren were 'not given life jackets'. Parents of students who died after a boat capsized in India's Gujarat state allege negligence by authorities. |
克什米尔的稀有无雪冬季引起了警钟。专家说,今年冬天的降雪将导致缺水并破坏经济。 | Kashmir's rare snowless winter sets off alarm bells. Experts say that the absence of snowfall this winter will lead to water scarcity and derail the economy. |
N韩国进行"水下核武器系统"测试 - 州媒体。州媒体表示,对水下攻击无人机的测试是对最近美国南朝鲜演习的回应。 | N Korea conducts 'underwater nuclear weapons system' test - state media. State media said the test of underwater attack drones was in response to recent US-South Korea drills. |
La Kena:臭名昭著的墨西哥卡特尔领导人被捕。何塞·阿尔贝托·加西亚·维拉诺(JoséAlbertoGarcíaVilano)去年与两名美国公民杀害有关。 | La Kena: Notorious Mexican cartel leader captured. José Alberto García Vilano has been linked to the killing of two US citizens last year. |
运输中的现金抢劫案为南非的道路带来了恐怖。随着现金中的抢劫案的增加,警察斗争,谋杀率达到20年。 | Cash-in-transit heists bring terror to South Africa's roads. Police struggle as cash-in-transit heists increase and the murder rate hits a 20-year high. |
梅拉尼亚·特朗普(Melania Trump)在母亲的葬礼上庆祝。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在纽约诽谤审判中跳过了法庭会议参加葬礼。 | Melania Trump gives eulogy at mother's funeral. Donald Trump skipped a court session in his defamation trial in New York to attend the funeral. |
亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden)同意在弹each探测中作证。总统的儿子拒绝作证,促使共和党人鄙视国会。 | Hunter Biden agrees to testify in impeachment probe. The president's son's refusal to testify had prompted Republicans to hold him in contempt of Congress. |
以色列部队深入加沙南部城市汗尤尼斯。陆军说,士兵到达城市最南端的地区之后就开始参加"近季度战斗"。 | Israeli troops push deep into Gaza's southern city of Khan Younis. The army says soldiers are engaged in "close quarter combat" after reaching the city's southernmost area. |
内塔尼亚胡公开拒绝我们推动巴勒斯坦国家。以色列总理对华盛顿努力的拒绝表明,两个盟友之间的分歧日益增长。 | Netanyahu publicly rejects US push for Palestinian state. The Israeli PM's rejection of Washington's efforts shows the growing disagreement between the two allies. |