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▷ Learn languages: 中文 (Chinese) - English : 亚洲首先看到的区域衰退60年。该地区的经济将萎缩0.7%,2020年回升,但明年的亚洲开发银行说。 - Asia sees first regional recession in 60 years. Th... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

September 15, 2020

中文 (Chinese) - English : 亚洲首先看到的区域衰退60年。该地区的经济将萎缩0.7%,2020年回升,但明年的亚洲开发银行说。 - Asia sees first regional recession in 60 years. Th...

中文 (Chinese) English
亚洲首先看到的区域衰退60年。该地区的经济将萎缩0.7%,2020年回升,但明年的亚洲开发银行说。Asia sees first regional recession in 60 years. The region's economy will shrink 0.7% in 2020 but rebound next year, says the Asian Development Bank.
冠状病毒:比尔·盖茨说,富裕国家必须帮助所有人开放化妆疫苗。微软联合创始人表示,富裕国家应该做自己多和地址的阴谋论。Coronavirus: Bill Gates says rich countries must help make vaccine accessible to all. The Microsoft co-founder says rich countries should do more and addresses conspiracy theories about himself.
的TikTok:YouTube上推出的竞争对手在印度进行测试。印度的TikTok最大的海外市场的社交媒体应用程序是在六月取缔那里。TikTok: YouTube launches rival to be tested in India. India was TikTok's largest overseas market before the social media app was banned there in June.
丹尼尔放不开死亡:罗切斯特市市长麻袋警察局长在"吐罩"的情况。丹尼尔放不开3月份死亡是在动荡了美国种族不平等个月的关键事件。Daniel Prude death: Rochester mayor sacks police chief over 'spit hood' case. Daniel Prude's death in March was a key event in months of unrest over racial injustice in the US.
巴拿马:万人坑中发现挂教派区域。其中7具尸体在一月份被发现,引发调查的远程站点附近。Panama: Mass grave uncovered in area linked to religious sect. The remote site is near where seven bodies were discovered in January, sparking an investigation.
克里姆林宫看起来保持抗议蹂躏白俄罗斯在莫斯科的轨道。四面楚歌的领导人卢卡申科可能无法找到在俄罗斯长期安慰,萨拉兰斯福写道。Kremlin looks to keep protest-torn Belarus in Moscow's orbit. Embattled leader Alexander Lukashenko may not find long-term solace in Russia, Sarah Rainsford writes.
飓风莎莉加剧的美国南部各州居民警报。飓风加强两个类别,并可能带来整个墨西哥湾沿岸致命的风暴潮。Hurricane Sally intensifies as southern US states alert residents. The hurricane strengthens to category two and could bring deadly storm surges across the Gulf Coast.
五个原因以色列与阿联酋和巴林此事和平协议。海湾国家看到了贸易机会,同时以色列减轻其隔离,写杰里米·鲍恩。Five reasons why Israel's peace deals with the UAE and Bahrain matter. Gulf states see opportunities for trade while Israel lessens its isolation, writes Jeremy Bowen.
尼日利亚电影制片人冒着坐牢女同性恋电影的伊费。在尼日利亚,同性关系被禁止,电影局表示,电影违反了有关同性恋严格的法律。The Nigerian filmmakers risking jail with lesbian movie Ife. The film board in Nigeria, where same-sex relationships are banned, says the film violates strict laws on homosexuality.
没有剧组横跨大西洋航行的船。一个全尺寸的,crewless调查船是让世界上第一台自主航行大西洋的一个。Ship with no crew to sail across the Atlantic. A full-size, crewless research ship is to make one of the world's first autonomous transatlantic voyages.

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